“I can tell. That’s the same noise you make when I have my head buried between your thighs.”

“It is not!” I argued, causing him to laugh.

“No?” His eyes heated as he leaned forward. “Should I give you a demonstration?”

“Now, you’re just asking to be caught. If we end up with a mob following us to the inn, I’m blaming it on you.” I playfully tried to shove my ice cream cone in his face, but he managed to dodge it effortlessly.

“God, Molly would have my balls.”

“She would,” I agreed. “And since I’m quite fond of them, you need to behave.”

Zander and I had spent the most amazing six months in Europe and beyond. Touring with a bunch of single rock stars had turned out to be an easier adjustment than I’d anticipated. Traveling in luxury accommodations everywhere we went definitely helped. Seriously, those boys lived the high life in every way.

But it was more than that. After getting over my initial shell-shock of meeting them, I found a certain kind of kinship with the members of Manic at Midnight, and seeing the bond they’d formed with Zander only made me love them more.

None of them had ever seriously dated anyone, so I officially became the adopted sister of the group, and I was all for it. They even asked me to join their legal team, and as tempting as it was, I had to pass. While the leap from criminal to contractual law could technically be considered a career move, it would have hardly been a challenge.

I was done playing it safe.

It had taken months of hyping myself up, but eventually, I had gotten myself in front of a laptop and started plotting a story which lead to an actual outline. Many months of self-doubt, tears, and late nights later, I had my first rough draft. My suspense-thriller was a bit sexier than I’d planned on, but when you had a muse like Zander Green, who could really blame you?

Now, I just had to figure out how to sell the damn thing.

After six months of touring, you’d think I’d get tired of it all, but I never did. Every time Zander took that stage, it felt like the first time. I’d never get over the sight of him, all hot and sweaty, with his mouth against that mic as he played his guitar. He’d turn his head, catch my gaze, and give me the most panty-melting smile, knowing the effect he had on me.

I was fairly certain I’d shoved him in every bathroom, closet, and dark corner I could find just so I could get those post-concert quickies in.

“So, let’s place bets now,” he said as I finished my last bite. “Initial reaction to our big news—happy or pissed? Or maybe a combo situation?”

I grinned as butterflies erupted in my stomach. “I guess we’re about to find out.”


Thanksgiving hadn’t really been a thing when I was growing up.

Let me rephrase that. Holidays hadn’t really been a thing when I was growing up.

My mom had tried—or at least, that was what Macon told me—when we were younger. He said she’d sometimes try to make a fancy dinner for Thanksgiving or buy us a few nice things for Christmas, but quickly learned it wasn’t worth my father’s wrath when he realized how much it had cost.

We couldn’t be wasting money on food and clothes when he had booze to buy after all.

The first time I sat down to a proper Thanksgiving dinner was after I met the Creeds. I had barely started working there, and I was convinced they’d only invited me out of pity, but I didn’t want to upset my boss.

He was mother-fucking Lance Creed.

That was the day that I realized a family could be something more than blood. Their table was filled with other “strays,” as I liked to call them—people who had come into their life and become ingrained in it.

Just like I eventually did.

For a long time, I thought the Creeds would be my only family, and then I went back home to finally burn the bridges of my past.

Instead, I’d found my future.

“We’re here.” Elena looked at me with anticipation in her eyes. It wasn’t the first time we’d been back to Ocracoke since we’d left for the tour a year ago, but it was the first time since?—

“Let’s go, Trouble!” she demanded, throwing the door open. “I want baby snuggles.”

I chuckled, quickly following her. “Okay, but you’re gonna have to beat me there.” I took off in a run, hearing her curse behind me.