She put Macon on speaker so she wouldn’t have to play telephone between us.

“No one has seen them since they left last night.”

When they had all left before the end of the rehearsal dinner, we’d just assumed they had gotten tired and gone to bed.

I mean, even evil monsters had to sleep, right?

“And they’re not anywhere else in town? Maybe they’re just late sleepers. Have Zander ask his manager. I’m sure he knows a thing or two about this particular species and their nocturnal habits.”

Marin laughed.

“Zander’s not here,” Macon said matter-of-factly.

“What?” A prickle of unease worked its way up my spine.

“He left the rehearsal dinner early last night ’cause he wasn’t feeling well. Didn’t he tell you?”

The prickle was turning into full-blown panic. “No, because he told me he was leaving early to go pack a bag to stay at Eli and Billy’s house with you.”

“Shit,” Macon and I said at the same time.

I tried to think back to that exact moment at the rehearsal dinner. I’d been caught up in a rather passionate discussion with Millie about our love for fashion. He’d pulled me aside and said he was headed out, and because of our earlier conversation, I’d sort of hurried him along and?—

The look in his eyes right before he kissed me good-bye…

“He wouldn’t.” I shook my head back and forth, racing to the bedroom to grab my phone where I’d left it on the nightstand, charging.

I walked back out into the kitchen as Macon said, “I’ll go check the rental.”

“Don’t bother,” I told him, looking down at the text he’d sent me.


Enjoy the wedding.

“He’s gone.”



First article went live overnight. You did good, kid.


No more reporters showed up in Ocracoke?


Several photos of you at the airport popped up on gossip rags, so I think we’re good.




You okay?