I opened my mouth to answer, but found I couldn’t. A moment passed and then another. “I don’t know.”
I’d once told Hendrix I felt something close to relief at not having to tell them, but at the time, I hadn’t had any choice in the matter. If I had, would I have told them, or would I have held on to this secret a little longer, relishing the normalcy I got here in Ocracoke?
“I can’t deny that this whole thing scares the shit out of me,” I told her. “Spending these last few weeks in Ocracoke has been a special kind of torture. On one hand, coming here has reminded me why I fell in love with music in the first place. I was a broken kid who needed a way to grieve, and Macon gave that to me when he bought that old guitar. But being here also reminds me of everything I’m giving up, and I’m terrified I’ve made the wrong choice.”
She looked up at me, her expression softening. “You didn’t,” she assured me. “Think of all those young kids out there, looking for someone to inspire them. Talent like yours is meant for the main stage.”
I didn’t deserve her kind words, but I’d take them all the same. “I didn’t want you to find out like this,” I told her, taking a hesitant step forward.
Her arms were still drawn tight across her chest. “No? How would you have preferred it then?”
“I don’t know, but I would have at least tried to butter you up first with a lot of sex and a ridiculously expensive handbag.”
“It would have to be at least two ridiculously expensive handbags. You’re incredibly rich now,” she quipped. Her arms fell to her sides. “Please tell me you had a good lawyer look over that contract. They’d better not be fucking you over.”
A grin tugged at the corner of my lips. “Yes. My agent graduated from Harvard Law and is one cutthroat son of a bitch.”
She gave a dismissive shrug. “Duke is better.”
I took another step closer to her, and when she didn’t step away, I reached for her. She came willingly, looking up at me with such deep emotion.
“What are you thinking?” I asked, cupping her cheek.
“I’m thinking that as a woman, I’m really fucking mad at you,” she said as she looked up at me. “But as a lawyer, I understand the complexity of the situation and why you couldn’t tell me. As a music fan though, I’m geeking the fuck out over the fact that you’re going to be a real-life rock star—even if it’s for a band like Manic at Midnight.” Her hands slid around my waist, and it felt like heaven. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking about all the times I thought about telling you and wishing I had,” I said in a low voice. “I’m thinking I’d do just about anything to earn your forgiveness and that it’s been entirely too long since I’ve kissed you?—”
“This morning wasn’t that long ago,” she argued.
“Yeah, but we’re on borrowed time. I’m leaving in a day.”
She froze in my arms. “You are?”
I nodded slowly. “The morning after the wedding. I have a charity concert in New York. It’s when the band is supposed to make the official announcement.”
Her eyes searched mine. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
I brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. “I knew your focus would be on Marin and the wedding today, and I didn’t want you to feel guilty for that.”
“But that only leaves us with tomorrow night,” she said as she pulled me closer.
“We’re not saying good-bye, Elena,” I assured her. “Nothing has to change.”
“Okay.” Her voice was full of doubt, and I was desperate to erase it.
“But since we are short on time, we should probably take advantage of this empty room,” I suggested, lifting her off the ground. She let out a little yelp, and I scolded her. “You’re gonna have to be a lot quieter than that, Louie.”
Her legs wrapped around my torso as I walked us back toward the wall, which was conveniently located next to the door. I flipped the lock, ensuring our privacy, and then got right to it. My hand fisted her hair as my mouth closed over hers.
I worked the buttons of her shorts as I kissed her deeply, keeping her pinned to the wall with my knee. I knew the moment she grew impatient when her fingers frantically found the fly of my jeans.
I barely got her shorts to her thighs before she had my cock out and I was sliding home.
“Fuck, Elena,” I cursed in her ear.
“I need you.”
I felt those words down to my soul because I didn’t think I’d ever stop needing this woman. She owned me. If you cracked me open, it would be her name you’d find inked on my heart.