“I think you’re just dehydrated and maybe a bit exhausted,” he told Marin. “But I’d like to take you to the clinic to do a quick exam and check the baby’s heart rate, just to be safe.”
Marin nodded, turning to me, but before she could even open her mouth, I stopped her.
“I got it,” I said. “Go take care of that baby. Everything will be fine.”
She nodded, and Macon patted my shoulder, silently thanking me.
“Can you text Zander? He was on his way to the station to meet me for lunch, and then maybe let Molly know I won’t be able to help with setup?”
“Yes,” I answered, seeing the worry in his eyes. “Don’t worry, Macon,” I assured him. “I’ll take care of everything.”
Time to pull out some serious maid-of-honor magic.
There were some conversations you just couldn’t have via text.
Telling Zander his sister-in-law passed out in the hotel lobby was one of them, so after Macon and Marin left for the clinic with Jake, I sat down in the lobby and dialed his number.
“Hey, you,” he said in that tone of voice that made me think of sex.
“Hey,” I answered back in an equally seductive voice.
No. Bad girl.
Not. The. Time.
I shook my head, trying to loosen the brain fog that had me thinking about all sorts of dirty things and instead focused on the marble floor Marin had just been lying on. “So, I am supposed to pass on a message for you from Macon.”
“Oh.” He sounded mildly disappointed at my tone change.
Dude. Me, too.
“We had a bit of a situation. A mild emergency,” I said.
A few people shuffled past me with suitcases, laughing. The sound echoed far too loudly.
“Well, now, you’re freaking me out.”
Now, I was fixated on the floor. What if she had hit her head? What if she hadn’t woken up?
“Marin passed out at the hotel.”
“What? Is she okay?”
“Yeah,” I answered a bit too quickly. “I mean, I think so. They’re at the clinic, making sure. Jake said it was probably just dehydration and exhaustion.”
“Shit,” he breathed out.
I thought back to those moments leading up to her fall. “I should have known she was pushing herself too hard.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Elena,” he said. “You couldn’t have possibly known that was going to happen.”
“No,” I agreed. “But I still could have forced her to slow down.”
“Could you?” There was a touch of humor to his voice.
“Maybe,” I answered. “She listens to me about fifty percent of the time. Thankfully, it seems to be the important stuff that sticks, like going after Hot Cop even though it was scary.”
“You told her that?” He grew serious, making me realize what I’d just said.