A grin tugged at the corner of her mouth. “I’m sure you would be, but no…no romance. Sorry, Trouble. I was leaning more toward thrillers.”

“That research sounds less intriguing.” I laughed. “But that’s actually pretty perfect, Elena. I could see you doing that.”

“Yeah?” She seemed about five percent more on board with the idea because of my enthusiasm. It was a start.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “You could travel, try new things, finally slow down.”

She swallowed as I met her gaze, hoping she could read between the lines of what I was trying to say.

You could travel…with me.

You could try new things…with me.

You could finally slow down….with me.

“If only life were that simple,” she said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “If only.”

Unknown number

You need to come by the shop this morning before we open.


Who the hell is this?

Unknown number

Millie. Now, get the fuck over here.


I think you must have me confused with your husband. I’m not at your beck and call.


No, but you are on my shit list.


And why is that?


Because I know your little secret, Mr. Tate.



I’ll be right there.


Good boy.

It was the day of the rehearsal dinner, and this was the last thing I needed to be dealing with. I’d thought I’d managed to stay just under the radar these last three weeks in Ocracoke.