“Don’t you want to bond?”
“We bond every fucking day.” Dean rolled his eyes. “It’s called owning a business together.”
“I think that might be his way of saying he’s sick of you.” Jake laughed as he stuffed the rest of his pork slider in his mouth.
When I’d given my brother shit about inviting Jake Jameson of all people to his bachelor party, he’d just shrugged and told me it was just a strategic move.
“It’s nice to have a doctor on board,” he’d said.
Was it that hard to admit he just liked the guy? Stubborn asshole.
“I don’t know how he could be,” Taylor offered, grabbing a handful of grapes from a giant platter of fruit. “I’m only there half the time now that we have the hotel. You should have seen the shit Lani made me do for that bachelorette party today. So many fucking flowers.”
“I hope she has a good time,” Macon said, his expression softening as his thoughts turned to Marin.
“She will. Lani pulled out all the stops.”
“Thank you,” Macon said to Taylor before turning to everyone else. “Thanks to all of you. We couldn’t have pulled this wedding off without all of your help.” He spared a glance at Jake. “Even you, asshat.”
Jake raised his water bottle in the air with a grin. “Just here for the food, loser.”
They should just get those matching BFF bracelets and get over themselves already.
“I’m ready for you guys,” Dave announced behind us.
“Don’t twitch, Macon!” Dean joked as we walked away. “I hear that spot can be sensitive.”
“Nah, that’s just your ass,” he said over his shoulder.
“Straight guys making ass jokes?” Eli quipped. “It really is a bachelor party.”
A chorus of laughter followed as Macon and I headed towards Dave’s station. I was in the hot seat first, and we’d already gone over design and placement earlier with Mark. Since most of my arms were already heavily inked, I thankfully hadn’t had to explain to Macon why I needed this particular tattoo out of plain sight.
Although I didn’t think the placement was a concern for him. When I’d told him what I wanted us to get, he’d grown quiet and pulled me into a tight hug. I’d seen him eyeing my Creed tattoo more than once, and I knew this meant a lot to him.
“I didn’t catch your name,” Dave said, plopping down on the seat in front of me.
“Zander,” I offered. “And this is my brother, Macon. He’s the groom.”
“Congrats,” Dave said, although there wasn’t much enthusiasm behind the word. “Show me where you want this again.”
We spent the next several minutes making sure the stencil was exactly right, and then he had me lie down on my side and got to work.
“So, are you ready for Friday? That’s when everyone starts to arrive, right?” I asked my brother, enjoying this bit of time we had by ourselves.
“Marin’s parents and siblings get here on Thursday night. And then we do the rehearsal and shit on Friday.” He nodded his head, his face splitting into a wide grin. “But, yeah, I’m ready. More than ready.”
“And then everything that comes after?”
“You mean the baby?” he asked before letting out a snort. “Fuck no. Not even close. But we’ll figure it out.”
“Just figure it out as you go and hope for the best?” I repeated his words from the coffee shop back to him, making him grin.
“Yep. Although, for this, I might read a few of those baby books, just to give myself a leg up.”
I resisted the urge to laugh, not wanting to move. “Good idea.”
The familiar sting of the tattoo gun bit into my side as Dave worked, and I realized I needed to say something. “I’m leaving the morning after the wedding,” I told him. “I have to be in New York for something; otherwise, I wouldn’t be bailing so soon.”