“In your neighborhood? I’d think they’d be used to it by now. What’s one of Macon’s favorites? Oh, yes. ‘Scream so the whole island can hear you.’”
Now, that got her blushing.
“Hey, there is nothing wrong with giving your man a little vocal encouragement,” Millie said as Marin’s shoulders shook in silent laughter. “Of course, when there are guests around?—”
Molly’s face blanched. “That was one time!”
“Mmm, it was more than once, sis. You screamed his name all night long.” She grinned before turning back to the rest of us. “And then she had to get up and play hostess the next day and serve them all breakfast!”
“Oh my God.” Molly buried her hands in her face before she shot back up, her eyes fixed on her sister. “You had a drunken one-night stand with Aiden when you were supposed to be looking after the inn!”
“Hell yeah, we did.” Her face went all dreamy, not embarrassed in the slightest. “But we were in the family wing, which, as you know, is in the back of the house—purposely away from the guest rooms. Unlike, say, the yellow room, which is?—”
“Lani and Taylor totally had sex in a restaurant!” Molly said, pointing a finger directly at her friend.
Man, she was just throwing everyone under the bus.
Several questions were thrown out at once.
“In front of other people?”
“Was it open?”
“Which restaurant?”
The last question made me laugh. Were they asking for a recommendation?
“It wasn’t…” Lani’s words stalled before she gave Molly a look. “We didn’t have sex. Taylor…” She tilted her head and widened her eyes a bit while making a vulgar hand gesture with her fingers.
“While you were sitting at your table?” Millie sounded impressed.
Lani nodded, and a faint blush painted her cheeks. “The waiter asked me a question about my drink order, and I literally slammed my hand down on the table and practically screamed, ‘Yes!’ at him.”
Laughter filled the room.
I could have totally pointed a finger at Marin and told everyone about the night she and Macon had snuck into the sheriff’s office and had sex on his desk. But since Macon had caught his ex-wife cheating on him in that very office, I had a feeling the intent of that rendezvous had been to erase some especially bad memories for him.
That all felt far too intimate to share, even among friends.
“Okay, back to bad-boy Green,” Molly said over the laughter.
“I agree!” Millie added.
“Since we didn’t grow up here, we don’t really know much about him,” Cora said, motioning to Lani. “But I have to say, there’s got to be something in the water because, seriously, what is up with the men down here?”
“Ocracoke does not get to take the credit for Zander,” Millie argued. “We were a few years apart in school, and I do not remember him looking anything like that.”
“I have to know,” Cora asked, a look of guilt spreading across her face, “And if any of you tell my husband I asked this, I’ll deny it.” She turned to me. “But how far exactly do those tattoos go?”
I bit my bottom lip, remembering all the times I’d licked that inked skin. “Down his whole chest, his back. He has a few on his legs, too.”
“God, that’s hot,” Millie said. “Why is that so hot? Like, I don’t want my husband to run out and get covered in ink, but on other guys?” She made a dreamy sigh.
“I have never gone for guys with tattoos. Or piercings.” I dated guys in suits. Guys who barely made nine o’clock dinner reservations because they barely left their office.
And wasn’t that pathetic.
“What about musicians?”