She was wearing green again, but the fabric stretched tight across all her luscious curves. If someone asked me how to explain her dress, the only thing I’d get right was the way it clung to her body and the fucking hot-as-hell triangular cut-out that exposed her stomach.
“It was a bachelorette party,” she corrected me with a grin. “And I only had it on half the time. The rest of the time, I was naked.”
Well, hell.
She placed her small Louis Vuitton bag on the table by the door. It was different from the one I’d seen her with yesterday, and I secretly wondered just how many she’d packed for her three-week vacation.
Did she collect purses like I collected guitars?
If so, we might have a storage problem in the future.
Fuck, why am I thinking about the future already?
“How was the bachelor party?” she asked, taking a step toward me.
“Surprising,” I answered, making her brow quirk. “Eli and Billy rented out a tattoo shop for the day.”
Her eyes widened. “Please tell me Macon got a tattoo?”
I nodded, pulling out my phone to show her the pictures.
Her hand went to her mouth. “Oh my God, Marin’s gonna lose her shit.”
“In a good way though, right?”
“Oh, yeah. She’s probably stripping him naked this very minute.”
That’s a visual I didn’t need.
She swiped through a few more of the pictures before pausing. “What’s this?” she asked, seeing a photo of Macon and me, bare-chested and side by side.
She didn’t even wait for me to answer and just lifted my shirt to inspect it herself.
I laughed at her lack of patience. Her fingers trailed down the five letters that spelled my last name. They ran down my left rib cage in bold, blocky lettering.
She looked back at the picture and smiled. “You’re a good brother, Zander.”
“I share a tattoo with my adopted family. Seemed fitting that Macon and I have one, too, considering he practically raised me after my mom died.”
“Well, it’s really sweet, and I know it means a lot to him.”
“It means a lot to me, too,” I told her.
“Did anyone else get anything?”
I scrolled through the rest of the pictures, showing her Eli’s and Billy’s ring tattoos. She gushed over how cute they were, and then when I showed her the movie quote Dean got, her eyes lit up.
“The Princess Bride!”
“You know it?” I looked at the three words everyone was so obsessed about. As you wish. I didn’t get it.
“You don’t?”
“I didn’t exactly watch a lot of movies, growing up.”
Her lips pressed together, and her expression softened. “We’re gonna have to add that to the list.”
“The list?”