Page 47 of Brix

“No. It did not. I didn’t know what to do with the others, and honestly, I wasn’t cut out to be a mother. Cassandra gave me the opportunity to dispose of her.”

“Dispose of her. She was a child. A teenager that you deprived of life.”

“You’re such a bleeding heart. You and my daughter will get along well,” she grinned.

“She’s not your daughter. She was never your daughter.”

“True. So, my final plan was that I would ask the Lightkeepers for funding to find their lost children. I would suddenly be able to produce evidence that my two, not one, but two dead daughters were linked to their families.”

“You planned to kill Daphne by giving her back to Marshall,” growled Brix.

“Indeed, I did. He would be charged in her death, and I would be left as the grieving mother. You fucked that up for me. Royally, no pun intended.”

“Lady, you are anything but royal, nor will you ever be. The Costina children have all been found. They’re all happy, healthy adults except for the two deaths, for which you’ll hold some blame as well.”

“I have done great work in my community. They won’t sentence me to anything, young man. I’ll be out of jail in no time, and I’ll find my way again. I always have. I’m indestructible.”

“You are anything but indestructible. You will be charged with multiple counts of murder, kidnapping, theft, and crimes against the Crown.”

“Against the Crown?” she laughed. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“One of the Lightkeepers. I believe they are a Duke and Dutchess, directly related to the King. You have committed a royal crime. Pun intended,” he smiled. “You’re going to jail, Deirdre. Actually, you’ll most likely be placed in a psychiatric hospital and given so many drugs you won’t remember who you are in the end.”

“They won’t do that to me,” she whispered.

“They will do that to you, and my wife and I will be watching from a distance to ensure that you never leave. You will die in confinement.” He stood from the table and leaned across, staring at her face.

“I want you to remember something, Deirdre. I want you to remember always that my American grandfather killed your father. I want you to remember that my American teammates tracked your happy fucking ass down. And I really, really want you to remember that my American ass took you down.” He started to walk away, then turned back to her. “Oh. And that my American ass impregnated Daphne with our half-American child.”

He slammed the door of the interrogation room and heard the woman screaming at the top of her lungs. The others were standing there, grinning at him.

“Are we ready to go home yet?” he smirked.

“I damn sure am,” said Major.

“Same,” smiled Sebastian.

“Then let’s go home.”

They hadn’t been in the air an hour when they received word that Deirdre was dead. Marshall met them and the officials at the airport and shot her on the runway. He then turned the gun on himself. Dierdre and Marshall would never plague his wife again.

Landing at Belle Fleur, the men had no time for rest or congratulations. There was a wedding taking place.

Walker and Mags were finally to be married. He couldn’t have been happier. But the best part was, she was okay. Finally, she was okay and thrilled to be Mrs. Walker Norgensen.

While on the dance floor, Daphne divulged to Brix that they were expecting twins. His yell was so loud the entire tent stopped, believing something was wrong. It didn’t take a genius to realize it was just Belle Fleur magic once again.

“I’m glad they’re so happy,” smiled Sebastian.

“Me too,” grinned Em. “I’m happy, too, Sebastian. Happy with you.”

“Oh, Em. I know, baby. You make me so happy I can hardly stand it most days. How long will you be gone this time?”

“My retirement date is set for twenty-six days, Sebastian,” she smiled, kissing him sweetly. “I’m working to finish this case on the bank robberies, but I may not be able to complete it. I’m okay with that. It’s been a frustrating one, and my partner doesn’t seem to give a damn, so why should I?”

“You’ll figure it out, baby.”

“Sebastian? I want to get married.”