“What? Why?”
“Because I’ve been calling and texting you since yesterday morning and you haven’t answered. It’s not like you at all.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you, I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”
“Like what?”
She walked through to my living room and dropped on the couch, looking at me expectantly. There was a rock in the pit of my stomach, knowing I was about to blow up her life after almost no time at all. She would never forgive me for what I was about to do.
“I was actually just about to call you when you showed up. We need to talk.”
“Shelby,” she said, her mouth turning downward, “nothing good ever comes from the words we need to talk. What’s going on?”
“I love what we’ve started, Kenley, but after our last play session, you said you’d be content with just the two of us. I talked to Sasha for a bit yesterday and she helped me come to a conclusion. I’m always going to be a switch. As much as I think we’re good together, I’m always going to need more. It’s not fair to either one of us to continue in a relationship like that. I want you to be happy and to find everything that you want and need in life. That’s not going to happen with me.”
“So, we hit one bump in the road and you’re just gonna bail?”
“One bump in the road?! The three of us have had nothing but bumps in the road. I’m really sorry, Kenley, but we can’t go on like this.”
“I can’t fucking believe you,” she muttered, tears welling in her eyes.
“One day you’ll understand why I made this decision.”
“I’m never going to understand why you gave up on us so easily.”
She stood and walked to the front door, shoulders slumped. With one last look, she walked out the front door and probably out of my life forever. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I curled up on the couch. Club Inhibition had brought misery to my life time and again. I would never go back.
? ?? She’s exclusive, she’s elusive … ???
Days had gone by since Shelby dumped me and I couldn’t tell you how I’d gotten through every day. I was in a haze and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t seem to get out from under it. When I thought about what she said, I realized it had some validity. I hadn’t taken her needs into consideration and that was wrong of me. I thought about trying to talk to her but I was fairly certain she’d had enough of the back and forth that had become our lives. I was just going to have to learn how to go on without her.
With that in mind, I decided to hit the club and just lose myself on the dancefloor. I pulled on my favorite club dress, slipped into a pair of 5” heels, and hopped in an Uber. The club was slammed and I worried I wouldn’t be able to get in as I joined the long line. I supposed worst case, I could hit another club but that’s not really what I wanted to do. Thankfully, after about fifteen minutes, I found myself at the front of the line as the bouncer motioned me inside.
I grinned at how full the dance floor was and waded into the crowd. Arms up in the air, I bounced to the music, swaying back and forth. My old friend, Carlos, met my eyes and we made our way toward each other. I threw my arms around his neck in a hug that he happily returned. Keeping a hand on my hip, he moved close and we started dancing together.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he yelled.
“I thought you moved! What are you doing here?”
“I just moved back and decided a night at the club would do me some good. Let’s grab a drink and talk.”
I nodded and followed him to the bar where he ordered himself a glass of whiskey and a cranberry and vodka for me.
“You remembered my drink,” I said in surprise.
“Kenley, in five years of being your friend, I never saw you drink anything else,” he laughed. “Let’s grab that table.”
He pointed to the one empty table in sight and I hurried to grab it. He and I had been close before he moved away. We even played from time to time. He was a fucking genius with a whip.
“So, other than moving, what’s been going on with you?”
“Well, I got transferred back to take over this division. I’m happy for the promotion but it’s a bloody nightmare. The last guy made a mess of things.”
“Were you seeing anyone in California?”
“Not really. I had a few play partners but we only ever played. I never found someone I wanted to be with for a long-term relationship. What about you?”