“Kenley, please,” he begged.
“I’m sorry, I can’t. I guess this is goodbye. I love you, Noah.”
I walked straight out of the club and home to my apartment. I was grateful for the fact I had never moved in with him. There wasn’t a particular reason but I sure was glad for it now.
I shook my head, bringing myself out of the reverie, not surprised to find my cheeks damp. I still missed him and what we had together but I made the right choice not moving with him. I wanted to see my nieces and nephews grow up. I wanted my kids to have family when I finally decided to have them. I didn’t think I would ever stop missing him, though.
I wiped my tears, happy that no one seemed to have noticed, finished my drink, and headed for the dance floor. I just wanted to lose myself tonight. I waded into the crowd and started swaying with the crowd. It wasn’t long before I was dancing with a hot as fuck man. We danced until I was soaked with sweat and I excused myself to get a glass of water and cool off. I decided to head over to the window rooms and see what scenes were going on.
I managed to find one just starting and found a place to stand and watch.
“Kneel,” the Domme commanded.
The male sub dropped to his knees, naked as the day he was born. She walked over to the table and laid out the things she would be using in the scene. Crops, floggers, and cords filled the table. The sub was going to have one hell of a scene and I found myself wishing it was me in the room. She walked back over to him and held out her hand. He took it, stood, and followed her to the spanking bench. He positioned himself on the leg rests and leaned over the top of it. She worked to bind his wrists and ankles; leather cuffs tightened around them.
She waited a moment and then smacked his ass, pink coming out as she started to warm him up for play. When his ass was sufficiently pink, she grabbed a strap and slapped it against the side of his ass and I gasped, remembering how good it felt. She did it time and again, red marking him in lines. She moved to a black leather flogger and swung it down on his ass. I watched as she reddened his ass and the back of his thighs.
I miss this. Maybe I should try again.
I hadn’t been with a woman since before Noah but this scene was hot as fuck. Her tight leather pants and green corset showed off every curve and she clearly knew what she was doing because this scene was checking every box for me. I looked up to find she had moved onto the cord and was leaving stripes of red on his thighs.
I watched to the end of the scene and she unbound him and helped him out of the room. I had always assumed I would find another Dom when the time came but this scene had made me realize I would also be fine with a Domme. My eyes had been opened and I realized that I was ready to try again.
I headed back to the dance floor and let myself go. I was lost in the music when I sensed I was being watched. I scanned the crowd and found a dark-haired beauty watching me. Her hair reached her waist, much straighter than my own dark hair. I couldn’t see her eye color from where I was but her full lips were painted red and her curves were to die for.
I was pushing my way through the crowd toward her, realizing it would be better to leave the dance floor entirely and walk down the part where people entered the club. By the time I got to the front where she had been standing, she was gone. I finally caught sight of her leaving the club with another woman, watching me over her shoulder. I wasn’t able to catch her before they hopped into a cab. My heart sank, afraid I wouldn’t see her again. After all, it was an open house and she may well have just been here as a guest.
Days later, I was back on the dance floor at the club. I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw the same woman across the room.
Sweet, she’s a member.
Determined not to lose her this time, I practically shoved half the people dancing over. I had almost reached her before I realized I must have looked psychotic. I slowed my pace, hoping she hadn’t seen me, but knowing she had.
“Hey,” I cringed as I greeted her lamely.
“Hey yourself. I wondered if I would see you again.”
“You did? I mean, me too.”
“I would have asked you to dance but my friend was ready to leave. It was an open house so I wasn’t allowed to be here without her.”
“But you’re here now?”
“I became a member this week.”
“That was fast,” I laughed.
“Well, let’s just say I liked what I saw,” she winked.
My cheeks turned bright red as I wondered if she was talking about me.
Don’t be stupid, she’s talking about the club.
“So, are we drinking or dancing first?”
“Umm. Dancing. Definitely dancing.”