“I already checked. They’re all full right now. I have us on the list for when something comes available.”
“Okay, so what’s up?”
“I got called into the boss’s office today. I got the promotion, Kenley!”
“Oh my God, that’s awesome! I’m so excited for you.”
“I’m excited too. I’ve waited a long time for this. There’s just one thing.”
“Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good.”
“It might be good, I don’t know. How do you feel about moving to California?”
“California? What? Why?” I asked, confused.
“It turns out the promotion requires relocation there.”
“Why on earth would you have applied for that?!”
“Because I didn’t read to the bottom of the posting. I didn’t realize but I don’t want to walk away from this. I’m taking the job.”
“Fantastic. I guess it’s been nice knowing you,” I cried, tears running down my face.
I stood to walk away and he caught my arm.
“Sit down,” he ordered.
I sat, never able to ignore him when his voice reached that tone. I looked at him expectantly, trying to control my emotions.
“I want you to come with me, sunshine. I want you to move to California with me.”
“But Noah, my family is here! My brother and sister, my nieces and nephews. What about my mom and dad? That would devastate them all.”
“You could fly back and visit whenever you wanted. This promotion comes with a huge pay raise.”
“What about my job, Noah? I work in a bookshop. It’s not like it’s a chain where I could just transfer.”
“Maybe not but there are bookstores there too. You could get another job.”
“But, Noah, I don’t want another job. I like working for Marc and Leesa.”
“You like that more than you love me?” he asked sadly.
“That’s not fair and you know it. My whole life is here.”
“Aren’t I a part of that life?”
“Of course you are. I love you, Noah, but I don’t want to walk away from my life here. I don’t want to leave my job, my family, this club.”
“So you would choose all that over me?”
“And you would choose a job over me?”
“I’ve been waiting for years for this opportunity to come. You can’t just be happy for me?”
“I’m happy for you. I’m thrilled that you got it but I can’t move with you. I’m sorry.”
I stood and dodged him as he reached for me, managing to avoid his grasp this time.