Shaking my head, I decided I was done for the evening and made my way through my club. I was nearly to the front doors when Thomas moved in front of me with a smile on his face.
“Where are you going so fast, Kenley? I still owe you a dance.”
I glanced from him to the front doors and back again.
“I was just on my way out,” I said, moving to go around him.
He sidestepped in front of me, still smiling.
“Just one dance before you go. Please.”
I sighed and nodded, turning to scan the club for Shelby. I caught sight of her sitting at the bar and knew if I waded far enough into the crowd with Thomas, she wouldn’t be able to see me. He took me by the hand and led me through the dancers until we were pressed up against each other. His arm wrapped around me and he pulled me impossibly closer.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he yelled in my ear. “I’m glad I caught you.”
“Thank you,” I said, leaning my head against his chiseled chest.
One dance turned into two and before I knew it, all I could think about was our bodies grinding against each other. I froze at his next words, confusion lacing through me.
“I would love to play with you, Kenley. Would you consider that?”
“I—I—I have to go,” I answered, rushing out of the crowd.
A glance over my shoulder saw Thomas standing still in the middle of the dance floor, his jaw dropped. I hopped into a cab and gave the driver my address, my mind going a mile a minute.
What the fuck is even happening right now?
When I got home, I ran a bath, stripped out of my clothes, and groaned as I lowered myself into the water. I had a lot to think about. Did I want to play with Thomas? Did I want to play with Shelby again? Could I bring myself to play with both or would Thomas even be interested in that? Questions ran round and round in my head but no answers came. I stayed in the bath thinking until I realized the water had gone cold. I climbed out, wrapped a towel around myself, and flopped on my bed. I had come to only one conclusion before sleep took me.
I have to talk to Raven.
I was grateful that Raven was free to come for coffee this morning. I’d had a restless sleep at best, I was dying to get her opinion on my predicament. I jumped to answer the door when the bell rang and nearly pulled her off her feet getting her into the house.
“Good lord, Kenley,” she laughed. “Give a girl a chance to take a step.”
“Sorry,” I muttered, blushing. “I made coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.”
“I have to say, you look like shit this morning. Did you sleep at all? Is everything okay?”
“Gee, thanks. And yes, I slept. A little. On and off.”
“What’s going on?” she asked as I poured her a coffee and topped up my own mug.
“I’m so confused,” I moaned. “I don’t know what to do!”
“Does this have anything to do with playing with Shelby last night? She was in a damn foul mood when she came to the bar after. Do you want to talk about it?”
“It has everything to do with it… and nothing to do with it.”
“Well, that’s clear as mud,” she laughed. “Why don’t you start at the beginning?”
“You know that I’ve been spending a lot of time with Shelby and Thomas, right?”
“Umm, yeah. You all have hardly been subtle. I’m surprised the three of you aren’t fucking in the middle of the dance floor.”
She grinned, letting me know she was joking around but I didn’t think she knew how on the money she was. I took a deep breath and started at the beginning. Sort of. I didn’t see the point in detailing how much time I had spent with them since she seemed to already know.
“I played with Shelby last night and it was amazing.”