Page 11 of Dark Cravings

“I didn’t realize that. Raven has been my friend since almost the moment I came to the club.”

“That’s because Raven is sweet like that. Hold on, don’t take my word for it. I see her right now.”

I waved her over, hoping this would change Kenley’s mind about playing. I’d be disappointed if it didn’t but I was patient. I would wait as long as I had to because I sensed she was worth it. She was going to be someone important in my life, I just knew it. Raven approached the table with a smile on her face.

“Hey, Shelby, Kenley,” she greeted. “How are you both?”

“I’m great. I’ve been dancing with Kenley all night.”


“Hey, Raven. It’s been a minute,” Kenley smiled.

“That it has. I didn’t realize you knew Shelby.”

“I’m just getting to know her. I didn’t realize you two were friends.”

“We’ve been friends for probably five years. Since before the kids were born.”

“That’s quite a long time.”

“It is. Listen, girls, I have to run. Kenley, hold onto this one. She’s a good egg!”

“Thanks, Raven,” I grinned. “See you tomorrow for lunch?”


“So, now you know I actually do know her.”

I chuckled lightly, happy that Raven had been at the club tonight. It might not have been enough to sway her but it probably went a long way.

“Yes, I do. So, maybe if you’re still int?—”

“Yes,” I rushed. “Yes, I’m still interested.”

It was her time to laugh and I found I liked the sound. I liked that as much as I liked the rest of her. I didn’t want to do too much too soon, so I offered the tamest thing I could think of.

“Are you comfortable with a spanking scene? Nothing crazy, bare hand only.”

“I would be okay with that.”

“Perfect. Wait here and I’ll go sign us up for a room.”

“I’ll be right here,” she grinned, excitement filling her features.

I damn near ran to the signup, a little bummed that we would have to wait an hour. I supposed, though, with the club being so busy, we were lucky to get one at all. I walked back to her at a much slower pace.

“We have an hour to wait. Do you feel like dancing some more?”

“Sure, we can do that.”

I led her back to the dance floor and pulled her close. She moaned as I ground against her, my leg dragging across her pussy. If I knew nothing else, it was that she was going to be turned on as fuck by the time we got to the room. There would be nothing but the spanking scene tonight. I didn’t want to spook her and she seemed very spookable. It had been quite some time since I’d Dommed and I was very excited. She seemed like the perfect sub. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d be open to playing with Thomas too.

All in good time. Don’t rush things!

When the hour was up, I took Kenley by the hand and let her to the room, closing the door behind us. She stood shyly in front of it, wringing her hands in front of her. I wondered if maybe she wasn’t as ready for this as I’d thought.

“Kenley, you know there’s no pressure, right? If you just want to go back out and dance, that’s totally fine. I don’t want to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”