Page 7 of Dark Bonds

“Jason. Thankfully he wasn’t pissed off. We actually ended up dancing for hours. I hadn’t realized this was his place.”

“That it is. He keeps busy, that’s for sure. How did you feel about the club? Do you want to go back again?”

“It’s funny. I knew these clubs existed, obviously, and I’ve certainly not been vanilla in all of my relationships, but I never envisioned myself going to that kind of club. Now that I’ve been, though? I can’t imagine not going back.”

“I’m sure Jason doesn’t hurt either in the equation either, does he?” sha laughed, waggling her eyebrows.

“He definitely doesn’t,” I giggled. “That man is like sex on legs.”

“I can’t disagree with you there. Let’s order our lunch and then I’ll explain the demonstrations. Did you want to just split a couple of appetizers?”

“Sure, that sounds good. What do you recommend?”

“The crispy ravioli is a must-have. We could also get the charcuterie board. The servings are pretty generous, so just the two should be fine.”

“Sounds great,” I said, waving the waiter over and ordering our lunch.

“Okay, we have demonstrations once a week. They serve a couple different purposes. For one, they introduce things to people new to the scene or those who are looking to expand their knowledge. As an example, you may be interested in rope play. Once a month one of our ropers does one. There are similar ones on things like spanking, fire play, cupping, and pretty much anything you can think of.”

“How are the topics chosen?”

“Some of them are repeated weekly. Impact play is a weekly demo. Sometimes different implements will be used within the same one, other times just one is used. The club has a member’s portal on the website. One of the things you can do there is choose demos you would like to see done. Sometimes, when it’s a more specialized topic, such as knife play, not as many people will sign up. In that case, the owners actually arrange for a personalized session.”

“Can anyone go?”

“Generally speaking, only club members can sign up. We never have them on open house nights.”

“If only club members can go, why did you invite me?”

“I invited you because I honestly think the exposure to the lifestyle is going to be good for you. Plus, I’m an assistant manager and I want you there,” Sasha laughed.

“Can I ask you something?”


“How crazy are the prices of membership?”

“It’s not cheap, but there is a club I’ve heard of that starts out at $12,500 a year for theirs. I can’t fathom how anyone could ever afford something like that, especially for their lowest membership!”

“Holy shit! Okay, so how much is the lowest one at Club Inhibition?”

“We don’t have different levels. It’s $1200 a year. Given that the basic cover for an evening is up to $50, it’s cheaper in the long run.”

“I’ve actually been saving up for a vacation so I technically could afford to do it,” I mused.

“Can I give you some advice?”

“Of course.”

“Come to the demonstrations tonight. Come to the club as my guest a few times. That should be enough for you to decide whether a membership is worth it for you.”

“I think I’ll take you up on that. I don’t want to make a snap decision.”

“Great, it’s settled!”

“Not quite. Is there some sort of dress code for the club?”

“Basically, no jeans, sweats, or leggings. Dress to kill, so to speak,” she chuckled.