Page 51 of Noah

"With the pub?"

"No, with my mother." I stroked his elbow. "Give me a second. I'll get your drink and pour myself one as well. I'm worried about how this is going to go."

Brody didn't take his attention off me as I mixed our drinks, tracking my every move as I poured some gin, shot club soda out of the soda gun, and added lime slices to two glasses.

"Okay," I said setting the glasses in front of us. "Let me preface by saying, I've never done anything like this before, and I am pleading insanity for doing it this time."

Brody's brow furrowed and he gripped his glass.

"My parents are having a gala to secure donations for underprivileged youth."

Brody nodded.

"Mother asked me if I was bringing anyone."

Brody nodded.

"She implied that I should bring someone significant to me."

Brody peered at me.

I gripped his arm. "And you are. You are significant to me."

"You want me to go with you."

"Yes … but that's not the insanity part."

Brody sighed. "You're making me nervous."

I was just now realizing the flaw in my plan. I didn't want to pretend to break up with the fictitious partner Brody after this gala was over. I wanted him to be the real partner Brody someday.

Please don't let this fuck that up.

"I told my mother some things about you that aren't true."

"You lied."

"Like I said … insanity. I know I have a problem when it comes to my parents. You've helped me realize how bad a problem by being so supportive." I brushed my thumb back and forth over Brody's forearm. "Brody, I told her we live together and that you're basically my fiancé."

Brody yanked his arm away, but he didn't move from his seat.

"I'm sorry," I tried. "I was dishonest, and I know that's a big deal for you."

Brody's heavy breaths dragged in and out as he stared at me. His jaw was clenched and his thumbs and forefingers on both hands were rubbing at a furious pace.

He stopped abruptly.

"I'll do it," he said.

My heart hammered in my chest. "Do what?"

"I'll go to the gala with you as your fiancé."

I shook my head. "No, Brody … you don't have to do that. That's not why I told you."

"Do I need a tux?"
