"Come and find me after dinner." She grabbed a bowl of green salad. "We can talk."
Emma left the kitchen, leaving me with my mom. Tears pooled in my eyes. My mom rushed to me and held my face. "Oh … baby boy, what's the matter?"
I sucked in a ragged breath, and the tears escaped, streaking down my cheeks. "It's over."
"You and Daniel?"
I nodded. My throat was too sticky to speak.
"What happened?"
I found my voice. "We're not compatible long term. We had fun, but he wants different things than me when it comes to our relationship. Things I can't give him."
That had been the straw that settled it. His desire for an open relationship. He felt guilty about tying me to an old man. If he felt that way already, there was no hope for us.
I certainly wasn't going to sleep with other men to make him feel better about us.
"I'm so sorry, Ethan."
"The age difference did us in."
"I thought it might. You're a young man still. He's had his family and children already."
I frowned. "I don't want children, Mom."
"Maybe if you meet the right man."
I gripped my mom's arms. "No, Mom. I like my life the way it is. I get all the fulfillment I need from my business and my friends. My only desire is to find someone to share it with."
"And you're sure that's not Daniel."
I released her. "Sometimes being in love with someone isn't enough." I needed to get out of the house, but I didn't want to face my family. "I need to go see Phantom."
"What about dinner?"
"Save me some." I swiped some of the tears off my face. "I'm not in a good place. I thought I could get through a family dinner … but I can't. I'm sorry."
"You do what you need to do."
"Thanks, Mom."
I escaped the house through a side door and headed for the barn. The scent of hay and horse manure started me on a path toward feeling better. Phantom heard me coming and whinnied.
I grabbed his halter and lead and went into his stall. He was in a good mood, nudging me with his nose and trying to nibble my hair. I pulled on the halter and led him to the indoor ring.
He snorted and bobbed his head as I unhooked the lead and placed him beside the block of steps. I mounted in one smooth motion and urged him into a walk. It felt good to be against his skin instead of separated by a saddle. We ambled along, his rocking back and forth soothing me.
I lay my head on his mane and wrapped my arms around his neck—and sobbed.
I'd never suffered like this before at the end of a relationship. And I'd been with two of those men for years. Daniel had ensnared my entire heart and climbed inside.
"Did I make a mistake, boy?" I whispered against Phantom's thick bristly mane.
Phantom snorted. He liked the sound of my voice. He had no opinion. I stroked his neck and inhaled his scent. I straightened up and put my hands on his withers.
I clicked my tongue. "T-rot." He increased his speed through a trot until I had him in a full canter. I flung my arms out to both sides, tipped my head back, and closed my eyes.