"I'm terrified," I admitted.
"Thought so." Owen rubbed my back. "You need to trust what you're feeling."
"And if you're feeling all that love stuff, I can't wait to meet him," Liam said. "What did he say about brunch? I'm assuming that's who you were texting."
"Yeah." I nodded. "We're a go."
"Make it a reservation for four," Owen said to Liam. "I want to meet him too."
"You hate drag shows," I retorted. I suppose it was time to introduce Daniel to my friends. I'd just told them I was falling in love with him. I couldn't keep Daniel to myself forever.
"I'll persevere for your sake," Owen replied.
"I'll catch Daniel another time," Noah added. "When I'm with Brody."
It was settled. Liam and Owen were going to meet Daniel.
I was overwhelmed with a sense of pride.
Daniel was my guy.
Liam launched into a commentary on how his date with the drag queen had played out. Part of the foreplay had been getting him out of drag. Stripping him and removing his makeup. Getting into the shower together and Liam washing all remnants of makeup and adhesive off his body.
Liam had found it deeply sensual, uncovering the man beneath.
Surprisingly, he was looking for a repeat with the guy after Saturday's drag show.
Unheard of for Liam.
We switched back to Noah's wedding plans and the type of suits they were looking to find or have tailored. All white—both. The whole process sounded romantic.
Not my thing, but I could appreciate the romance of planning a wedding together.
I walked into the barn and called out to Phantom and clicked against the inside of my cheek. He poked his head out of his stall and whinnied, bobbing his head. He was excited to see me.
Probably because of the apple-halves I always had tucked in my pockets.
I petted his soft velvety nose and gave him a firm kiss.
"Want to play?" I rubbed his jawline then opened his stall door and pushed him out of the way. I gave him a quick check-over, looking for hotspots or other injuries. I shoved past him and went to the tack room and collected his halter and a grooming bucket.
I secured him and then went to work. His hooves first, I used the pick to clean and check his feet. He was freshly shod. Everything looked good.
"Your favourite part, buddy." I lifted a curry comb and began rubbing circles, dislodging dirt, dust, and loose hair. He had been in his paddock most of the day. Little shivers of pleasure rippled down Phantom's back and he nodded his head, letting me know he was enjoying the attention.
I used a dandy brush to whisk away everything I had gathered on his hair. As a special treat for myself more than him, I combed out his mane, making him look even more handsome.
I left him to get the new synthetic English saddle from Australia I had splurged on. I came back with everything I needed. I started with the saddle pad, placing it at the base of his mane and then sliding it down his back to ensure his hair was lying flat beneath it. I lifted the saddle and gently placed it on his back, starting slightly forward like the saddle pad and sliding it into place.
I went to his other side, reached through past his chest, and grabbed the girth. Secured it in place until it was snug but with enough room I could fit my hand between it and his body.
Next was his bridle. He was a gentleman and didn't fling his head up out of my reach as I secured it on him. I patted his neck. We were both looking smart. I wore my favourite navy-blue chaps and tall black leather boots, but I needed my black practice helmet.
My mom was all about dressing properly in the ring.
I led Phantom outside the tack room and left him standing as I ducked in, grabbed my helmet, and fastened it in place. Tacked up, my boy wouldn't move unless I asked him to.
He walked at my right side as we made our way into the ring, then stood patiently as I tightened the girth and lowered the stirrups. I measured the correct distance using my arm.