Page 86 of Ethan

It was the first time there'd ever been negative tension between us.

With the last of the baked goods in the display case, I turned on the open sign and unlocked the door. A steady stream of customers poured in. I decided to work the till.

Some of the customers were regulars and I greeted them as such, remembering their usual orders, and asking them about how they saw their day unfolding. Cash register small talk.

Then what appeared to be a romantic couple approached. The man was in his late 20s. No older. He still had that youthful glow. The woman he was with had to be in her late 40s.

"Welcome to Salish Café. What can I get for you?"

I was proven correct that they were together.

"What would you like this morning, hun?" the man asked and placed his arm around the woman's waist. "You had the caramel macchiato last time. Would you like that again?"

"I think I might have a mocha cappuccino this time. Craving chocolate."

They smiled at each other, a secret passing between them. Chocolate had significance. It made me chuckle a little. Daniel and I were playful like that. Secrets discreetly passing between us while in public. Little innuendos. Hints we were a happy healthy couple.

I missed him. Spending four days with Daniel had been a dream. He had held me through every descent I found myself in. Every cavern. Every bottomless pit. He'd been there for me.

I hadn't seen him since.

"Two mocha cappuccinos, please," the man requested.

"Would you like any baked goods with that?"

"No, just the coffee," the woman replied.

"Excellent. That'll be thirteen-thirty."

They paid and as I watched them waiting for Susie to make their coffees, it struck me that no one was paying them any attention, even though they were obviously a couple and there was a significant age difference. Seeing them together, displaying their love, heartened me.

Daniel was acting strange but what he and I had was special.

I hoped he wasn't having second thoughts about us.

My depression hadn't entirely lifted but I didn't want to miss this week's meeting of the Salish Sea Society. It had been a long week. I was on my second pint of pale ale.

Owen was still annoyed with the new real estate agent who had joined their company. The guy, Chad, was running in direct competition with him, scooping listings that would have previously gone to Owen. Now, he was having to split the high-end listings with the guy.

The reduced opportunities to make the big bucks were making Owen surly.

He loved money.

Loved it.

"What about you, Ethan?" Noah asked. "How are things with you and Daniel?"

"Tense, actually."

Liam straightened up. "What's happening?"

"His daughter is upset with him because of me. She's been avoiding him. And when they do speak, they argue." I picked at the edge of my coaster. "The distance is hurting him."

"Is he taking it out on you?" Noah asked.

"No … no." I shook my head. "Nothing like that. He's just a bit distant."

"Are you worried?" asked Owen.