"So … what's the news?" she asked.
Jumping right in.
I cleared my throat. "I've been seeing someone."
Delores' eyebrows rose. "Finally. I was wondering when you'd start dating."
I smiled at her. "I've found someone incredibly special."
"Tell us about her." She took a sip from her drink using a twisty straw. I had a similar one in my drink. Remnants of the straws our kids had insisted on using.
I played with the colourful plastic. "There's something I never told you."
"That sounds ominous."
I held her gaze. "I'm bisexual."
"Oh." Delores spun her glass on the table a few times, smearing the wet circle from the condensation. "So … you're telling me you're seeing a man?"
"His name is Ethan."
Mark grunted, thrust up out of his chair, and went into the house. I was surprised at his reaction. Derek had never mentioned that Mark might have an issue with him being gay.
"Ignore him," Delores said. "He's probably only annoyed because you used to be my husband." She had more to say. She was chewing on her bottom lip. I waited. "I'm caught off guard, not going to lie, but I always suspected something was up with your sexuality."
"How so?"
"Sometimes, you'd get a longing look in your eyes when you saw a gay couple. Plus, in high school, you used to blush something terrible when certain guys spoke to you."
"I've always been attracted to men … and women."
She smiled at me. "So, this Ethan caught your eye enough to tempt you into the dating game."
"He has captured me entirely."
"How long have you been seeing him?"
"A little over a month."
"Oh … so, it's new then."
I nodded. "Look, Delores, there's something I need to tell you. I'm honestly surprised Sarah hasn't said anything to you yet."
Delores stabbed at her drink. "She did say you were acting like an old fool."
"I'm only fifty-four. I'm hardly old." I tapped the table. "But that's the thing. Ethan … he's younger than me. By a fair bit."
Delores had one eyebrow raised. "What's a fair bit?"
"Almost twenty years."
Her eyes widened. "Oh, for fuck's sake, Daniel. He's the same age as our kids."
"He's older."
She scoffed. "Not by much. What could you possibly have in common with him?"
"We never run out of things to talk about. Time disappears when I'm with him."