Page 74 of Ethan

Her name was Sarah.

"Sarah, look, this probably isn't the best place—"

She bolted back from the counter. "I know what you're up to."

Fear crawled up my spine. I knew where she was headed, and I hated confrontation. "I can assure you, I'm not up to anything." I scooted around the end of the counter and joined Sarah on the far side. "Come with me." I ushered her to a back hallway and into my office.

"What have you done?" she accused as soon as I had the door closed.

"The only thing I've done is meet an amazing man."

"But you're my age!" her voice escalated.

"I'm almost ten years older than you, but age isn't an issue with Daniel and me."

"He's practically a senior."

"And that matters, why?"

She stared at me and then flung her hands up. "Just look at you."

I frowned.


"It's no wonder he's fallen for you. A beautiful young man giving him a bit of attention. Him freshly exploring his bisexuality. You saw him coming, didn't you?"

I dragged my hand through my hair. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do I need to spell it out?"

Sarah thought I was taking advantage of Daniel. "What we have is genuine affection."

"I don't believe you."

It was my turn to cross my arms. "Obviously, but the last time I checked … Daniel was a grown man who can take care of himself."

Sarah glared at me. "Keep your hands off him."

I shook my head. "Not going to happen. Daniel is my boyfriend. That requires me to have my hands all over him. Making him feel good. And I'm not going to stop because you say so."

She turned the doorknob and yanked open my office door. "I'll talk some sense into him."

The tips of my ears burned. "Have at it."

When she slammed the door behind her, I slumped into my office chair. Sarah wasn't supposed to find out like this. Daniel should have been here to talk her down. Now, she'd gone off pissed and spitting, likely to storm in on Daniel's workday. I rubbed my chest then clung to my shoulder and lowered my forehead onto my desk. Her anger toward me had hit home.

His family was never going to accept me.

No matter how much we meant to one another—we were doomed.

The darkness growing within me clawed at my insides and found purchase. Crawled its way up my spine and buried itself at the base of my neck—and bloomed all black and inky.

The tiredness hit me first. Even the thought of leaving and driving home made my muscles ache. I wrapped my arms around my head, counting my breaths as though not doing so would mean I wouldn't have the energy or the will to breathe.

The sensation of quicksand pulled at my legs.

The tears began to fall.