And moaned.
The man knew how to play. To tease my cock into recovering. No sooner had I crested than I wanted him again. First things first. I flipped him over onto his back.
I was frantic to taste him.
To have him spill on my tongue.
Then I would kiss him, enraptured by the shared taste of him, and we'd cling to one another, whispering words of affection until our skin lit up again, hands wandering.
Sleep would eventually take us.
Deep sublime slumber.
With the man of my dreams in my arms.
I bent down and hauled on the edge of the couch, trying to straighten it. Sarah stood back from what I was doing, assessing the latest placement of the large piece of furniture.
"A bit to the right," she said. "It's not centered on the wall."
I tugged it half an inch toward me.
Oh, thank God.
I straightened up, my hand on my lower back. We had rearranged Sarah's entire living room and the den which was now an office. She had put me to work this morning as soon as I arrived. These spurts of rearranging weren't unusual for my daughter. A slight quirk of hers.
"All right, lunch," she announced.
"I'm starting with a cold beer." I stumbled exhausted to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of IPA, and plunked myself at the dining table. "Do you need any help?"
"Nope. Just doing sandwiches." Sarah began lifting ingredients out of the fridge and arranging them on the counter. She hadn't asked me about Ethan yet. I was waiting for it.
"So … elephant in the room," she said as she buttered the bread.
And here we go.
"Derek told me you're dating a man?"
"I am."
She looked over her shoulder at me. "Since when are you bisexual?"
Turkey slices and cheese.
"I've always been bisexual. I met your mom in high school, so I never had the opportunity to explore that part of my sexuality. I would have dated men too in university otherwise."
"This isn't some kind of experiment?"
Slicing tomatoes.
I laughed. "Definitely not. I'm all in with Ethan."
"Tell me about him."
"Every time he smiles at me it just about knocks me on my ass. And he's generous and kind." I smiled. "Playful and incredibly intelligent. And beautiful. He takes my breath away."