Page 68 of Ethan

He leaned toward my ear. "Nice to meet you, Daniel." Even Liam's voice was sultry.

And damn if he didn't smell good too.

"And this is Owen." I redirected my attention to the other man at the table. He was handsome in a conventional way. Wavy ginger hair with neatly trimmed stubble. He looked like a real estate agent. He had a professional air about him. This was Ethan's best friend.

"It's nice to meet you, Owen."

"We've heard so—about you," Owen said, releasing my hand, and retaking his seat. "Ethan—on and on." I had to lean forward. I could barely hear Owen over the volume of the music. "Feels like—know—already. Sounds—treating our—good."

I pieced together what I thought Owen said.

"I only want what's best for him," I projected atop the music. How was anyone supposed to have a conversation in here? I looked around. Everyone else seemed to be faring all right.

"Then we'll … well," Liam replied.


The server arrived at our table and squatted down beside it, making it easier to hear them.

"What can I get you two?"

"Do you mind if I order?" Ethan shouted at me.

"Go ahead." I liked it when he ordered for me. He was getting to know my favourites, but he often pushed me to try new things.

"Two grapefruit mimosas and two smoked salmon bennies, please."

"Perfect." The server moved to the other end of the table and took Liam's and Owen's orders. Once they left, Owen leaned on the table toward me. "Ethan says you—kids."

I nodded. "I do."

The music switched to a quieter song.

"What do they do for a living?" I guess Ethan had already told them about my boring accounting job. Not sure why Owen was interested in my children's careers.

"My son, Derek, is an accountant like me. Sarah manages a childcare centre."

"And they're our age," Liam prompted.

I could see now where this was going. "Younger by a few years."

Owen motioned between Ethan and me with his finger. "Is this going to be a problem for your kids?" Ethan groaned and grabbed Owen's finger, then scowled at him.

"Owen … stop."

"No," Liam said. "This is important."

I decided to be truthful. "It might be a problem."

"And how—going—handle that?" asked Owen. A loud pounding section of the quiet song fired up. I could only make out every second word, but the question was clear. Owen wanted to know if I was going to dump Ethan and break his heart if my kids disapproved of our relationship.

I was on a knife's edge with that possibility. I loved my kids and would never want to upset them but my feelings for Ethan were intense—soul deep. I couldn't imagine ever hurting him.

"I'm going to be honest … I don't know."

Ethan set his open hand on the table, and I lay mine in it. He knew how difficult telling my family was going to be for me. He'd taken the step to tell his parents about me a few days ago. It had gone well. They'd accepted his relationship with an older man. I wasn't sure I'd be as lucky.

I could see the words etched into Owen's eyes. Don't you dare hurt him.