"I'm seeing someone, Mom." She looked at me. I had her attention for the moment. "I'm seeing a man." She frowned at me.
"Because I really like him."
My mom went back to flipping through her clothes. "You hate me."
"No, I don't, Mom. Why would you say that? Because of the man I'm seeing?"
"I don't care about him."
"Then why would you think I hate you?"
She glared at me, and I swear to God, she hissed. There was cold malice in her eyes. "You want me dead. You want to take my money."
Nope. I was at my limit for visiting her. It was exhausting. There was only one way for me to get out of there without her clinging to me and crying. I needed to tuck her into bed.
"How about a nap," I said.
"Where?" She looked around. "On the floor?"
"No, Mom. On the bed."
She scanned the room. "Where's that?"
"Right here." I turned down the top blanket. "Let's get you in." She was always tired after dinner, so it usually wasn't an issue to get her into bed. She climbed in and I covered her up.
"Bye, Mom." I kissed her on the forehead.
She didn't respond. Just closed her eyes.
Back in my car, I had to take a minute to decompress. I was stressed. I wanted the comfort of Ethan's smile and his animated voice. And the joy of his cheerful shirts and socks.
I needed him.
Ethan was the only desire of my heart. It had beat itself into an intensity of affection that bordered on something frightening. My life had been upended, tumbling into discovering a new level of emotion revealing I'd never experienced a profound devotion like this before.
I gripped the steering wheel.
I hadn't. I had never felt myself free falling for someone before. I couldn't pull a rip cord to slow my descent. My mind and body refused to do it. I was enjoying the ride too much.
I trusted Ethan to catch me.
I fished my phone out of my pocket.
Me: Hey, babe.
Ethan: Hey, gorgeous.
Me: Can I take you bowling tonight?
Ethan: Are looking for a bit of entertainment laughing at someone?
Me: Ha ha. I don't care how well you bowl. I want to do something fun with you.
Ethan: Can I bring my car and stay at your place after?
Me: I'd love that. See you at 6:30 at the lanes in Langford.