I liked it when he was in charge. Fucking me hard.
Whispering praise across my skin.
"You've got some nice ones," Owen said. "If you're into that sort of thing."
"I want to know more about the camper," Brody blurted. He'd been hanging onto that one.
"Sure," I replied. "What do you want to know?"
"I looked at some online. They say they sleep six. How much room does everyone have?"
"Um … I only really saw the main bedroom in the back. There was enough room back there for us to entertain each other in all sorts of positions."
Brody groaned. That's not the kind of answer he was looking for.
"I think the seating by the kitchen folds down into a double bed," I said, being serious. "There is an area over the cab, but I can't imagine anyone other than small children up there."
"The two kids would have to share a bed," Noah said to Brody. "Maybe they won't mind."
"Not ideal," Brody grumbled. "Maybe we should be looking at buying an RV."
"Those can be really expensive," said Owen.
Brody sighed.
"Maybe you can talk to Daniel about it," I said to Brody. "He used to camp with his kids."
"Hey!" Liam shoved me, almost knocking me off my stool. "Why does Brody get to talk to Daniel, and we don't get to meet him yet? Seems unfair."
I lifted my beer bottle, about to take a sip. "Because Brody won't embarrass me."
Owen pointed at Liam. "He has a point."
"Can we eat now?" Brody interrupted. I smiled. I liked how Brody kept our group on track. And I adored how much he loved Noah. I wanted that level of love in my life.
We worked as a team, getting all the food outside to the al fresco dining area. Owen was tasked with the grill. We were having burgers with bacon and cheese. The conversation had turned to work, everyone chiming in about the adventures of their everyday lives.
We were having a lot of fun.
Until Owen stuck his foot in it.
"How's the social media stuff going, Liam?"
Liam's smile of moments before slid from his face and he looked down at the burger he had pulled to pieces over the last few minutes to avoid the bacon, the cheese, and the bun.
I kicked Owen under the table.
"Ow … what?"
"He's been taking some fabulous pictures," Noah said, laughed—so fake, and nudged Liam. "Jamal called me into his office the other day asking about one of them. Whether I'd ever seen you wear those shorts outside of working out because they were absolutely criminal."
Liam shoved his chair back, burst to his feet, and took off inside the house.
"Way to go," I said to Owen.
"What did I do?"
"You know damned well how sensitive he is about those stupid pictures," replied Noah as he threw his napkin down on the table, launched to his feet, and took off after Liam.