Page 44 of Ethan

Ethan's thick lashes fluttered as he licked his lips.

"Fuck me," he whispered.

I started slowly, and then my body took over, plunging into him, plundering him the way I knew he wanted. The mattress creaked and compressed with each thrust and the camper filled with guttural sounds of pleasure. Ethan moaned and shouted my name at top volume.

"Fuck me, Daniel! That's it! Daniel! Yes! Yes! Oh, my God! Yes!"

I didn't care who heard us. Ethan was wild and he was in my bed. With me. And we were submerged in a deep ocean of intense pleasure. Pleasure I'd never felt before.

In between his spurts of vocalization, Ethan's mouth would drop open, expelling bursts of air. In those moments, his gaze would fix on mine. And something would pass between us.

This was more than just fucking.

I could feel it in my soul.

Ethan gripped my neck with both hands. "I want to cum."

His eyes sought my approval.

I descended on him with a brief but commanding kiss. "Go ahead. Cum for me."

"Yes!" Ethan dipped his head back, his back arched, and his channel clamped down hard around my cock in rolling shockwaves of life-limiting passion.

My whole damned world spun off kilter then snapped back, perfectly balanced.

This is it.

This is what joining with someone is supposed to feel like.

I lost my grasp on sanity and filled the condom as Ethan coated himself in his cum.

It took us a while to slow down. As I lay on him, I could feel his heart hammering in his chest, the rapid rhythm colliding with mine. Ethan traced his fingers up and down my spine, close to tickling but not quite. It felt good. Like he was trying to maintain the essence of our coupling.

"That feels nice," I whispered against his damp riotous hair.

"Did the rest of it feel nice?"

I chuckled. "What do you think? That was honestly transcendent."

Ethan's hands stopped moving. "I was worried."

"About what?"

"That you wouldn't like it."

I lifted onto my elbows so I could see his face. "How could I not like it? I'm here with you because I want to be." I stroked his jaw with my fingers. "You've unearthed things in me I never knew existed. You've captured me and set me free all at once." I moved to his lips, fascinated, absorbing their delicate warmth. "You're the reason I'm here … taking this massive step. Because I trust you. And I want to be with you." I pressed a longing kiss onto his cheek, ready to express where my mind was taking me. "Truthfully, I never want to stop."

Ethan brushed his fingers through my hair. "Can we stay in this camper forever?"

I laughed. "Might need supplies at some point."

"Bah." Ethan smiled at me. "Real life sucks."

"We have the rest of the weekend before we have to go back to it."

Ethan nudged me until I rolled onto my back. He nestled in at my side and threw his leg over mine, his hand immediately on my chest, his fingers playing with the hair I had considered waxing for this weekend. I'm glad I didn't. Touching it seemed to relax Ethan.

"I don't want to leave this bed," I said and kissed his forehead.