Page 35 of Ethan

I waited for Daniel to retrieve a plastic water container from the camper and head down the road to the potable water faucet before climbing up into the interior. I opened the first cabinet I came to in the kitchen looking for the cutting board. After I found it, I opened a drawer and selected a knife. Those located, I went in search of the potatoes. They were in the cabinet beside the fridge. I set everything on the counter, curious to poke around for a minute.

Behind the two seats that included the driver's and passenger's was a booth of seating with a table in the middle, the kitchen, and a small hallway leading to the back. Down the hallway, I passed a doorway that opened into the bathroom. A toilet, sink, and shower. Daniel had told me he'd filled the water storage enough for one decent shower.

Past that, hidden from the view of the rest of the camper, a double bed with a small amount of space on either side. Above and to the sides of the bed were storage cabinets along with built-in wall sconce lights. It looked cozy. We were going to be spending a lot of time in there.

My cock tingled, imagining being in bed with Daniel. Due to the distance between the seats, we didn't hold hands while Daniel drove today. It had felt odd. I'd missed his touch.

I gathered my supplies and headed for the picnic table to cut the potatoes. As I was finishing, Daniel returned with the water. He filled a pot with it, I added my little chunks of starch, and he lit the burner, and set the pot on to boil. "We'll let those cook for a while before I start the grill."

"Did you stock up on beer?"

"Wouldn't be camping without it."

"I'll get us some." I stepped up into the camper and took two bottles of IPA from the fridge. My preference was a pale ale, but I had nothing against the stronger beer.

Daniel was lounging in one of the chairs when I emerged. I handed him a bottle and took the chair next to him. His hand was immediately on my thigh, caressing it. I took a sip and closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his hand and the relaxing sounds surrounding us.

I could get used to this.

"Thank you for coming with me," Daniel said.

"It's so much better out here with civilized equipment. Why don't you use the stove inside?"

"I prefer to cook outdoors. The air is so fresh." He moved his hand from my thigh in search of my hand. We entwined our fingers and sat there silently sipping our beer. The potatoes had been bubbling happily for at least fifteen minutes when Daniel rose to his feet.

"How do you like your steak?"


"A man after my heart." Daniel fired up the grill, popped open the plastic container, and set a barbeque fork on the edge. "Can you mix up the Caesar salad? I cheated and bought a kit."

"On it."

Back in the kitchen, I found a plastic bowl and tongs. After mixing the salad, I took it and two plates and sets of cutleries back outside. Daniel had attached a plastic tablecloth to the picnic table. I set everything out as he lay the steaks on the hot grill.

"You can drain the potatoes over at the edge of the pad there. Away from the plants." He pointed to an area devoid of greenery. "I've brought out some butter to dress them with."

"Are you like me and the potatoes are essentially a butter-delivery system?"

Daniel smirked. "We are so going to get on well together."

As I drained the potatoes, I hummed a stupid made-up tune that came from a place of bliss. Making dinner with Daniel was rotating all sorts of domestic gears within me. This was the everyday stuff that was so important in a relationship. If we couldn't get along while working together, no amount of passion or great sex could make up for the lack of routine unity.

I knew this from experience. My three separate boyfriends and I had worked well together. It made life better to have someone who truly felt like a partner. My most successful relationship was with Marcus, an architect. We'd been together for four years. It had almost stuck.

In the end, my depression had torn us apart. My frequent lows had worn Marcus out. He'd never been very understanding. He'd eventually admitted defeat when it came to fixing the unfixable. Our love had fallen apart. He'd decided he couldn't continue to be with me.

As it turned out, he made a better friend than a lover.

I stirred the butter around, coating the potatoes.

Daniel strolled up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed the side of my neck. He molded his warm body against my back. I nearly dissolved into his embrace.

God, he feels good.

"You all right?" he asked.

"Sorry, I spaced out."