Those tender emojis chosen by Daniel to signify how he was feeling about me made my smitten heart sing. I curled up beneath my blankets and pounded my pillow into shape.
I had been right.
Daniel drifted into my dreams. And stayed there all night as I tossed and turned.
Chapter Six | Daniel
I strolled into the bowling alley, humming, feeling pretty good about life. It was mid-week, and my bowling team had a practice. And I'd kissed Ethan. And he had nearly melted in my arms.
I exhaled a long breath, clearing the memory as I approached the guys.
Carl, Lance, and Avery. I'd known them all for five years. Carl and Lance were my age. In their 50s. Avery was younger by at least ten years. They were all great guys.
"Someone is looking more cheerful than usual," Carl said as he spotted me.
I hadn't been able to wipe the grin off my face since Friday night. It didn't help that Ethan and I had continued to text back and forth since then. Every day he said something that made me feel hopeful. That we were on the right track. That we were nurturing a real connection.
I sat down and dug my bowling shoes out of my bag.
"Had a first date on Friday night that went well."
Carl let loose a construction site whistle that made me blush.
"Do we know her?" asked Lance.
"No." I slipped on my shoes. "Plus, I don't kiss and tell."
"I love first date kisses," Avery said, looking wistful.
I laughed. "The kiss just about did me in."
"You going out with her again?" Carl asked.
"We haven't set anything up yet, but that's the plan."
"Are you going to be able to bowl straight with that goofy look on your face?" Lance teased.
"The plan is to beat you like I do every week."
"I think I might have an advantage this week."
I lifted my bowling ball from my bag and set it on the ball return. "Try me."
Carl snorted, laughing, and pounded me on the back. "I'll get the beer."
In the end, I came in second with an average score of 210. I was feeling a bit achy by the time we finished playing three games. I sat on the bench and tugged off my shoes, then retrieved my phone. The guys were all chatting and not paying attention to me.
Me: Hey.
Ethan: Well, hello handsome.
Me: How is your Thursday evening looking?
Ethan: For you? Clear and sunny.
Me: Can I pick you up around 6 pm to go for a walk along the beach?
Ethan: Can you grab me from the coffee shop?