Page 20 of Ethan

I clenched my hands together beneath the table. "Then I'm right about what's going on … with us? We're on the same page?"

Please, say yes.

Ethan bit his bottom lip, studied me, and then spoke. "That's there's mutual interest? Yes."

I almost didn't believe him. How could someone so beautiful and successful be interested in someone like me? A middle-aged accountant with questionable style.

I checked myself.

I knew Ethan would never lie to me. I could sense that in him.

My spirit soared. "I'd like to take you out."

"On a date?"

"If that's something you'd be into."

Ethan winked at me. "With you, I would."

"You don't date?"

"Not recently. The shop keeps me busy."

I didn't want Ethan to go out with me if it meant he was going to mess up his responsibilities. He had work. He had his friends. His family … and his horse.

"I don't want to disrupt your schedule."

Ethan chuckled. "You wouldn't be. I want to go out with you."

My breath caught in my chest. This was happening. Ethan, the man I'd been dreaming about had agreed to go on a date with me. "Does Friday night work for you?"

"Can we go early? Like around six?"

My mind stuttered for words. I hadn't thought this far ahead, not fully believing Ethan would want to go on a date with me. I pulled my brain out of the mire of euphoria.

"That works. Do you want to meet at the top of Bastion Square? And then we can decide where we want to go for dinner. I have a few places in mind."

"Sounds perfect." Ethan rose to his feet. "I need to get back to work."

I hadn't even touched my coffee, but I'd done what I came here to do. Ethan and I were going out for an evening together. I joined him on his feet.

Ethan stepped toward me. "Can I hug you?"

My heart fluttered and copious saliva appeared that needed to be swallowed. It all took me a second to recover from. I murmured a weak yeah, sure.

He wrapped me in his arms, and I raised my hands to cling to him, gripping his back. I held him tight, reveling in this, our first physical contact. He was solid and broad—and all man.

I closed my eyes as he hummed in my ear.

It was a sound I wanted to capture forever. Find a little colourful box for it that I could open the lid on each time I yearned to hear it. He sighed and took a step back, so I released him.

Ethan smiled at me. "You're a good hugger."

I took a chance. "You feel good in my arms."

Ethan pursed his lips, playfulness in his eyes, and sidled back to me. "So do you." He placed his hand on my chest, directly above my thundering heart. "I hope we can do that again soon."

"Anytime … anything for you."