Chapter One | Ethan
I slung my arm around Owen's shoulder, pulled him to me, and kissed his head. An act of comradery. The guys around the table had started teasing Owen about his self-imposed celibacy. He'd begun having the most incredible dreams about fucking famous men.
It was beyond entertaining.
The meeting of the Salish Sea Society was well underway. We had polished off our first pitcher of beer and Liam had gone to replenish the pale ale. It was the only night of the week I allowed myself to stay up late. I had a punishing early morning schedule when it came to running my coffee shop. I made all my own baked goods. My day started while it was still dark outside.
"Talking about sex," I started. I had stuff I wanted to share. Last night's hookup had been incredible on many counts. "Had this guy, Carlos, over last night. The sex was en pointe. Dirty talking, sweaty sheets, smacking my ass until it turned cherry red kind of fun."
Owen groaned and rolled his eyes.
I sat up straighter. "But that's not the best part." I paused. "Okay, maybe that was the best part but there were other parts that made it memorable."
"Spit it out," Noah urged.
Liam set the new pitcher of beer on the table and slid into his seat. "What did I miss?"
"Ethan had hot and dirty sex last night," Owen said as he refilled his pint glass.
"Nice." Liam laughed and held up his hand for me to high-five. I gave him a good smack on his palm. Our friend Liam was always quick to congratulate steamy conquests.
"He's a photographer," I continued. "Brought a polaroid camera with him."
"He packed a camera along to a hookup?" Noah looked concerned.
"He cleared it with me first." This next bit made my cock hard thinking about it. "He took a few nude photos of me after we had sex. Said he liked my tousled hair and the freshly fucked look on my face. They came out really good. He let me keep them."
"Do you have them on you?" Liam asked.
"Oh, my god, Liam," Owen shouted. "Why would you want to see them?"
"Because, dear Owen, I can enjoy erotic art without it being weird."
I dug around in my jacket. I had brought them with me. I was proud of them. They were tasteful, other than the fact I was posed nude on spunk-covered sheets, my exposed cock spent. One thing you couldn't accuse me of was being shy. Especially, when it came to my body.
I handed the stack of polaroids to Liam to look through.
Liam nodded his head as he flipped through each picture. "These are good."
Noah stretched his arm toward Liam. "Let me see."
"Hang on." Liam swatted Noah's hand and turned one photo toward me. "I like this one best. You've got those hooded eyes and parted lips I like to see on my bottoms."
Owen slapped his hand over his face. "I can't believe this is happening."
"Give me." Noah snatched the photos from Liam's hands. He smiled as he scanned through them. "Too bad you can't get one of these blown up for above your bed."
"Actually." There was more to the story. "He's asked if I want to do a nude photoshoot."
"For whom?" Owen asked as he leaned toward me.
I furrowed my brow at him. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, who is going to see the pictures?"
"Oh." This was the exciting bit. "He puts together coffee table books of naked men."
Owen slumped back in his chair. "Jeezus, Ethan."