Page 134 of The Fix

“If that’s how life is supposed to work, then I owe a lot to a few people. And not in a good way.” Her words are just shy of a whisper and muffled by that fist by her mouth.

“Then let me change that.” I throw a glance over my shoulder to the woman sitting just inside the café, waiting for this very moment.

Marie Thompson throws open the door like this is her show, and makes her way over to our table. Except, the woman who practically raised me when my dad passed doesn’t stop to greet me at all.


Instead, she rushes right to Zoey’s side and throws her arms around the trembling woman.

“Ma,” I chastise, though it makes my lips pull up at the corner. “You’re gonna scare her off.”

“Nonsense,” Ma corrects right back and gives Zoey another squeeze before throwing a cocked brow at me, then pulls out her own chair.

Zoey fidgets in her seat.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Zoey,” Ma says softly and I don’t miss the way her blue-green eyes drift to the fist hiding Zoey’s mouth.

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” she responds flatly, automatically. As if it’s the last thing she really wants to say.

“Well,” Ma starts. “After hearing from Toby about you, I knew I had to get to know you. I’m hoping you’ll allow me just that.”

She shakes her head. “I really have to get back to Jack.”

My muscles tense. “Five more minutes and I’ll personally drive you home.”

“No—” Zoey shoots upright in her seat, her pale face flushing, her hands grabbing at the arms of her chair. “I’m sorry. I mean …” Her throat works down a swallow. “No thank you.”

“Zoey,” Ma coos and touches a reassuring hand on top of her grip. “Don’t boys have the kindest hearts? The sweetest little smiles and laughs.”

Her gaze trails over to Ma. “They do. My JackJack laughs so much.” Tears spring to her eyes and she blinks rapidly against the assault.

“I’d love to meet him soon, if you’re okay with that, dear,” Ma continues, her voice soothing and low. “How about tomorrow?”

“O-okay. I can sneak away for a little bit.”

“Perfect,” Ma says on a grin even though my insides are burning. “How’s noon sound?”

She nods, the action a little more animated this time.

“I’ll make us some lunch.” Ma raises to her feet, her hands reaching out for Zoey who meets her.

The two step closer, and I watch as Ma’s knowing gaze bounces between Zoey’s. “In the meantime, this is my number.” Ma presses a small piece of paper in the hands that clasp hers. “Call if you need anything. Anything at all.”

“O-okay. Thank you.”

Ma nods and takes a step back, with a smile. “Tomorrow.”

Zoey’s lips lift in the first hint of smile since she arrived and I would swear her trembling has calmed. “Tomorrow.”

Once she makes her way down the sidewalk on foot, alone and cold, I turn to Ma and wrap my arms around her.

“Oh!” She startles when I engulf her, but leans in and hugs me back.

“Thank you.”

Ma sniffles against the leather of my jacket. I pretend not to hear it, but I don’t let it stop me from squeezing her tighter.

“I’m just … so glad you boys are home,” Ma says on a chuckle that sounds a little thick.