She’s stiff at first, but when I jostle her a bit, she huffs and leans in to press her head to my chest.
“Is this considered cuddling?”
I snort and make grabby hands at her knee with my free hand. “Hell yes, Mama. Now gimme that leg.”
The heat that radiates from her face settles into my chest like ink, but then she lifts that bare leg, and I lay it across my thighs.
My dick is still hard and restricted in my pants, but with her in my arms like this for the first time in fucking months and her smell stuck to the hair on my face, I don’t care.
It weeps a little at the prospect of ignoring it, adding to the collection of pre-cum dampening my boxers, and yet the thought of letting Anna go is unfathomable.
Borderline painful.
Even if I got off because of it.
Pressing my lips to her hair, I remind myself that there’s plenty of time for that later.
After she tells me when the hell she’s coming home.
“So …” Anna drags out the word, her breath tickling the hairs on my chest. “How long has it been?”
“You wanna know if I’ll remember this tomorrow?”
She tilts her head in affirmation.
And my heart aches.
“Anna, look at me,” I demand, lifting her chin and guiding her gorgeous eyes up.
Except … she won’t meet my gaze.
Her face is beyond red, yet not the shade I recall, and that grin I was clinging to for her drops. “Anna …?”
“You can’t just—” She plants a hand to my chest, pushing herself away from me.
I let her.
“I can’t just what?”
“Waltz in here!” Her arms fling up. “Through the damn window.” She bolts to her feet. “And eat me out.” She jams her legs back into her pants. “Like it’s nothing!”
“You forgot the cuddle.” I bite back my smile when she whips around and stares daggers right at my head.
She says my name like she’s chastising me, but it just makes my dick jump in my pants.
“Anna,” I murmur back, and she flings those arms out again, letting them slap back down against her thighs.
“You didn’t even say hi first.”
When she punctuates her statement by crossing her arms over her full chest, I hop to my feet.
I raise my hands and cup the side of her neck. With my thumbs beneath her chin, I angle her face until her gaze slams to mine.
Smirking, I cock a brow at her.
“Hey, Mama.”
Chapter Sixty-Three