Reason: she’s the most stunning creature I have ever laid eyes on.

The moment my eyes met hers, my blood raced, my dick hardened, and I began to sweat. A reaction that has not happened in a very long time upon seeing a woman, and it’s pissing me off. I like control. I crave it. However, this tiny woman walked in and with just a look she almost crashed through it.

A beautiful woman is a dangerous creature. She lures you in with her stunning features and sweet voice. Makes you feel needed, wanted, and adored. However, once you let down your guard and hand over your control, she strikes.

And you become her prisoner.

I know this from experience.

I glance back at her as she talks to Carrie. Her eyes meet mine once more and I run them down the short length of her body but when I look back at her, her eyes are full of insecurity. As if she doesn’t deserve to be glanced upon.

I steel myself. I need to keep a level head or I’m a goner.

Her eyes leave mine and she heads down the hall as Carrie walks in, shutting the door behind her. "Everyone’s here," she says.

"I see that. Tell me about them." I demand.

"They’re the most qualified, came with high reviews and amazing references." Carrie explains.

"I don’t care about that; I have seen their resumes. What are their names?"

Carrie turns slightly towards the windows. "Addison Marshall, twenty-two, she finished her temp job as personal assistant to the mayor’s aid a month ago." Carrie points to the woman in the cherry dress.

"The woman next to her is Tessa Wright, also twenty-two, she finished her temp job as secretary at the mayor’s office two weeks ago." Carrie moves her finger over to the woman in the taupe dress.

"The other woman is Daniella Carter. Thirty-three, never been a personal assistant," Carrie says.

"Why is she here if she has no experience." I snarl.

My cousin turns to me. "If you didn’t want Daniella to interview, you shouldn’t have asked me to call her."

I cross my arms over my chest and exhale out my nose. Hard.

"Don’t give me that look, Luke. As you said, you’ve seen her resume. You knew she didn’t have the experience and yet, you asked me to call her. You must have seen something that caught your interest." She says plainly.

I take a deep breath to calm my temper. Carrie enjoys pointing out when I put my foot in my mouth.

"What’s your opinion on them?" I bite out.

Carrie is the first person everyone meets when they walk into this office. In my experience, people treat the receptionist like absolute trash.

"I’m not a fan of Addison and Tessa. I think they will be like all your other PA’s."


"Meaning, their noses will be so far up your ass, you’ll get annoyed within the first week." Carrie states.

I cannot stand suck ups.

"Dani, however," Carrie looks over at me, a wicked smile growing on her face. "She’ll put you in your place faster than you can whip it out to piss. I like her."

I catch sight of Daniella sitting back down, clutching her purse in her small hands. She’s nervous.

I rub my face and stretch. "Send them in."

Carrie crosses her arms and narrows her eyes at me. "Do you really plan to do a group interview? Isn’t that a little immature?"

"No." I answer without explanation. "However, I do need you to interrupt the interview about ten minutes in."