"You leave, you’re fired."

"You can’t do that!" I shriek.

"The fuck I can’t. You’re still on probation. I could fire you over nothing if I wanted to."

I run a hand down my face and groan. "I’ll make you a deal."

Luke grunts. "What might that be?"

I roll onto my stomach. "If I finish everything of importance by seven, you let me leave."

"And if you don’t?"

"I’ll stay." I say, disappointment filling my voice.

"We’ll see." Luke hangs up on me.

Make It Happen


After Luke hangs up on me, I fire Erin a text.

Me: You free to help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow?

My phone dings in my hand.

Erin: Have you forgotten how to dress yourself?

Me: No, you dork. I have a date.

Erin: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please tell me it’s with that hot piece of ass boss of yours.

Me: What? No. It’s a blind date.

Erin: Even better. I’ll be over around eight for the fashion show. And I’ll bring booze.

I roll my eyes with a smile.

Me: Why so late?

Erin: Jake wants to slip me the sausage.

Me: You two are like a couple of horny teenagers.

Erin: I’m not sorry about that.

Erin is my best friend, my partner in crime. We met in elementary school when we wore the same dress one day. We have been inseparable ever since. Erin has been my rock. She has helped me when I needed it, and never asks for anything in return. She’s my sista from another mista and I love her to death.

I climb off the bed and head into my closet. I lay out my entire wardrobe, old and new, on my bed. Mulling over if I should wear pants or a skirt. I guess I could try to put an outfit together by myself.


I would rather get Erin to do it. She has always had an eye for fashion.

The sound of a key in a lock grabs my attention. "Fashion show!" Erin yells.

I run to the top of the stairs. Erin kicks off her shoes and heads into the kitchen.