"What is wrong with you!" I scold myself as I head down to the cafeteria. "You haven't stuttered in years, get a grip."
I scan the food choices, settling on Subway and hoping I get something she likes. As I wait in line, I can't stop picturing Aurora's angelic face. I've never seen such beauty before. My cocky, self-assured mask disappeared completely and the shy, insecure boy I haven't been in years took its place with one look into those dark chocolate coloured eyes.
I order Dani a cold cut sub and head back towards Mason's room. Muffled voices stop me before I enter the room. I open the door a crack to hear better. I probably shouldn't be doing this, it's invading Dani's privacy, but Aurora's honeyed voice is too sweet to resist.
"Gabe is Luke's younger brother," Dani says. "He's a super sweet guy but can be a cocky asshole from time to time."
I grind my teeth, it bothers me that that's how Dani describes me to Aurora, however her sweet laugh says she doesn't believe Dani.
"He didn't seem that way to me. He seemed very shy and awkward, like me. He's also very handsome." Aurora says.
A smile tugs at my lips. She thinks I'm handsome, and to be honest, she's right. Mom used to tell me I was too handsome for my own good.
"Awww, sleeping beauty, do you have insta-lust for Gabe?"
"Maybe," she whispers.
"Next time you visit, I'll introduce you. Maybe your insta-lust will turn into something more." Dani giggles.
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe."
Deciding this is a good time to bust in, I open the door fully and announce, "food delivery."
I place Dani's sub on the rolling table and sit back in the chair. Dani stares at me with brows raised.
"What?" I ask.
"I didn't think you were serious."
"I told you before, lying is one thing I don't do." I smile, popping out my one dimple. I might not have been blessed with two like Luke, but I can still drop panties with it.
Dani shoves the phone in my hand. "Here, talk to Rora while I eat."
Well, shit.
I turn the phone towards myself and before I can get a word out, Mason wakes up.
"Is that Subway?" he slurs.
Dani busts out laughing, nearly choking on her food. "Only you would wake up from a drug induced sleep to the smell of food, Bubba." She hands him half.
"I can go get another one, Dani girl." I offer.
"Nah, it's okay. I can't handle a twelve inch anyways." She replies.
"If you could handle Luke, you can handle a twelve inch." Aurora says.
Dani snorts, Mason groans and I think I just fell in love.
I'm Broken
I lock myself in my room and flop down on my bed. Erin ordered me to go home and shower. Or as she so lovingly put it, ‘ you stink. Go wash your ass.’ I’ve been at the hospital for four days straight, making sure Mason isn’t in anymore pain and is getting the best care. The hospital assured me that his stay in the private room has been paid for in full, up to a month by Archer law firm. Much of my stress lifted off my chest after hearing that, but it isn’t completely gone, and it won’t be until Mason is discharged.
I take a deep breath. Luke’s scent is still on my blankets, still lingering around my room. Burning climbs up my throat. I try to swallow but all that does is make it worse. I squeeze my eyes shut, willing the tears not to come.
But they do anyways.