Rist turns to watch Zoe march back into the hotel’s private wing, where all the staff are living, slamming the door behind her.

“Ah. I understand now,” he says, nodding to himself. “Female problems.”

“It’s not female problems!” I hiss back at him, throwing myself from the wall. “It’s… It’s…”

“So you’d have no problems then if I went after her?” He asks, his lips quirking with a vicious glint.

“Stay away from her!” Before I know it, I’ve grabbed the offending male and slammed him against the wall. The thud of his horns hitting plaster, the dust raining down on us, has me blinking. I release him and stumble away, staring down at my hands with utter shock and despair. How could I? I just attacked my Prince. I just attacked my closest friend. I…

“Hmmm,” Rist hums, adjusting his collar and dusting off a few flecks of white plaster. He looks like he’s getting ready for a party, not like he was just thrown violently against a wall. “As I expected, you’re entering a mating heat.”

I shake my head. I can’t be.

“You know the chances of that happening…” I mutter, shaking my head. Denying it won’t change the truth, a small part of my mind whispers. You want her as your mate.

I grit my teeth and point at Rist. I can’t discuss this. I refuse to accept this. “I just attacked you!”

“I noticed.”

“You can’t just act like nothing happened!” I shout.

“And what happened?” He asks, smiling at me with glittering white teeth. My blood boils at the sight of him. I really want to punch that expression off his face. Why is he always smiling? There’s absolutely nothing to be happy about.

“I didn’t contain the pest,” I reply vehemently, stepping towards him. My feet thud to the ground, my anger funneling into each step. I get in his face, my height allowing me to tower over him. He doesn’t even care, just standing there watching me with that damn smirk!

“I’ve put the hotel at risk. I’ve put our guests at risk. All our friends. I’ve ruined everything!”

He snorts. Actually snorts.

“I could have killed you!”

I stare down at him, as Rist watches me calmly back. He’s no longer smiling. No, his expression is worse now; he looks like he’s pitying me.

“I could have killed you,” I repeat, though the words hold hardly any of my previous anger. My throat clogs as long-repressed emotions bubble, threatening to overwhelm me.

“I never once blamed you for what happened,” he says softly.

I close my eyes. I refuse to cry. A grown warrior with years of experience doesn’t cry. He doesn’t show weakness.

Even if his soul feels like it’s being torn from his body.

“I should have died in battle. You should have left me,” I croak.

“Now that would have made me a terrible friend,” he replies. “Are you trying to make me the villain here? I’ll tell you now, I’ve worked hard to maintain my image.”

I blink through my blurry vision. Rist is standing before me, puffing out his chest. Noticing that I’m watching him, he flexes his bicep. I snort at the image he portrays. Compared to my wholly trained muscles and bulk, he makes for a bit of a pathetic sight. My prince is a leader, not a fighter.

“Friends?” I ask. For the first time, I realize that I am actually asking. After everything that has happened, I’m not sure I can even call myself worthy of being his friend. I shake my head. It’s better if we aren’t friends. “A friend doesn’t attack a friend.”

“I mean, who better to hit?” Rist asks.

I gape at him. He’s as mad as the others sometimes. It’s like the fights we went through permanently scarred them in some strange way.

“Seriously though,” Rist continues his tirade without stopping for a breath. “Hit some guest, and they’ll likely burn the building down. Or worse, ask for a refund. My brother, the King? You don’t even need to go that far, he’s already hunting us down through the galaxy. But a friend... you can work out all that pent-up frustration and then still enjoy their company afterward. There’s no need to be forgiven. A friend is always by your side when you need them most.”

“I wasn’t,” I say. Admitting it is one of the most painful things I’ve ever done.

“You were, Taruk,” Rist says. His hand clasps my upper arm, gripping it tightly. “Aelita was the one that betrayed us, not you.”