Page 13 of His Savage Sweet

When I’d received his note and had to request an evening off from Alisa, I’d assumed we’d be dining in his chambers. Frankly, there’d be a bed nearby. Surely that’s what he was interested in from me?

So I was surprised when he led me to the back stairwell and out into the stable yard. I knew this was where he trained, but we surely weren’t there to discuss the prowess of the Royal Guard.

Instead he helped me into a lavish black carriage, painted with gold trim and the Royal family’s crest. I felt a little numb.

“Ye ken, ye dinnae have to do this, Yer Highness.”

“Wulf,” he gently corrected as he slid in beside me. “And do what?”

Was I blushing? I was likely blushing. “Treat me like a lady.”

His grin was wicked. “Ye are a lady, if I say ye are. I can treat ye any way I like.”

It was impossible not to smile at his cockiness. “Royal prerogative?”

He winked. “Smart lass.”

And I had to chuckle.

As the carriage trundled out of the castle compound and toward the capital city, I became more nervous. We were going out in public? With me dressed like…this?

Wulf twined his fingers through mine. It was a simple gesture, but it set me at ease, somehow.

I didn’t know what the evening would bring, but I knew I would enjoy myself. I was with him.

We made light conversation—which wasn’t at all awkward, despite our last interaction. When we arrived at the restaurant, the maître-d’ and waiters seemed beside themselves with pleasure to serve Wulf and his latest light-o-love.


Is that what they thought I was? Is that what I was? I’d allowed him to make love to me in my kitchen with barely a dozen words spoken to one another. There were much worse names for a woman who did that than “mistress”.

Who would have thought I’d ever be a prince’s mistress? I giggled at the thought, which earned me an indulgent smile from Wulf I felt all the way down in my core.

He’d taken me to Petite Chou-Fleur, the fanciest restaurant in all of Faencairn. My father had been a pastry chef; he’d taught me all I knew, and he’d worked here before I was born. That was the only way a person like me would have been welcome in a restaurant like this; as a servant. It was bizarre indeed to be seated with bows and murmurs of respect.

It was only then that I realized we were the only people in the restaurant. “Strange,” I murmured to Wulf, “I thought this place would be verra busy.”

He seemed oddly awkward as he fiddled with his goblet. “I…made arrangements.”


“To…have the place to ourselves. I wanted nothing to distract ye—us…from each other.”


He’d bought out Petite Chou-Fleur? Nay, he was a prince, and I needed to remember that.

Didn’t I?

“What should we order?” he suddenly asked. “I cannae imagine anything would taste as good as ye.”

“My savories, ye mean?” Was I flirting? I was definitely flirting, wasn’t I?

He smirked. “I said what I meant. Let’s order everything, aye?”

And I had to laugh.

The man clearly loved to eat, and I was excited to try such an incredible menu. It was easier to imagine having a dinner with Wulf, rather than a royal prince…