My other hand rested on her arse cheek, and I pressed my thumb against her perfect little puckered hole. I couldn’t wait for the day I decided she was ready for me to fook this, but for now…

She sucked in a startled breath as my thumb pressed into her, but soon she relaxed with a sigh into my touch. A touch I couldn’t help but deepen. I made certain not to go any farther up her arse than the first knuckle of my thumb, but I loved the way it made her writhe.

“Rickard,” she choked out. “You make me feel so…”

“Hot?” I gasped in tandem as I thrust in and out of her. “Filthy?” My thumb was in her arse, after all.

“Perfect!” she wailed just as her pussy began to pulse around my cock.

The one line, and the knowledge she was coming again, sent me over the edge. With a roar, I came, sending my seed deep into her womb.

Christ, I wanted her forever.

A few whimpering moments later, we both collapsed onto the edge of the tub, with her on my lap.

She was sighing contentedly, and I was…well, I was still in shock she could make me feel this good.

“That was incredible, my prince,” she whispered against my neck.

I chuckled. “It really was. If I didnae just breed you, I’ll be surprised.”

“Well,” she straightened and blinked innocently at me, “I have never known you to be wrong, my prince, but there is a risk. Perhaps you should fook me a few more times, just to be certain.”

I laughed, tightening my hold on her. “I think that’s a fine idea, wife.” I nuzzled against her neck, amazed to feel my cock stirring yet again. “But this time I think ye should fook me.”

“Your wish is my command, my love.”

We were both laughing when I scooped her up and carried her out of the bath. This was perfect. Just as I knew she would be.



I was already pulling pins from my coiffure as I entered our royal bedchambers. As I’d eagerly hoped, Rickard was waiting for me.

We’d been married for months now, and I still couldn’t get over the way his perfect blue eyes lit with excitement when they saw me.

And I couldn’t deny my day—which had been long—just got a lot better.

“How was your day, my love?” I asked as I dropped the pins on a convenient table, and turned around to offer him the back of my gown. “Did Parliament cooperate?”

Humming, Rickard brushed his lips against the place where my neck met my shoulder as his long fingers went to work on my gown. “In Faencairn, we’re blessed with a group of auld men who simultaneously want growth and what is best for our people, while also being able to argue the color of the sky for three hours.”

I laughed at his description, but it turned into a gasp as he yanked down the top of my gown and reached around to cup my breasts through my corset.

“This is in the way,” he mused, as if he hadn’t seen me in my underclothes hundreds of times.

But I pretended surprise. “Goodness, my prince, you are correct. What should we do about it?”

“Take off yer clothes, lass.”

When he growled that command in my ear, I couldn’t suppress the shiver which went down my spine.

For months now, I’ve been the Crown Princess of Faencairn. I’ve appeared beside my husband dozens of times at official functions, smiling and waving politely…a perfect princess.

But when we were alone in our chambers, I was just Clarissa and he was…my prince. My master. My everything.

I couldn’t deny him, any more than I could deny the way my cunny clenched with need as his tongue rasped along the side of my neck.