“Yes, dear, that’s what I meant.” Then to Griffin’s surprise, Duncan shot Bull a wink. “But we’d love to hear ye play. The piano in the corner there is tuned.”

The lad was hesitating, exchanging rattled looks with Marcia, now. “I, um…I’m no’ that good, Yer—Uncle Duncan.”

“Nonsense, lad, let’s hear ye!”

Griffin realized he was holding his breath as Bull stood and crossed slowly to the piano, dragging his feet as if a miracle would occur to save him. Glancing at Felicity, Griffin was surprised to find she seemed quite serene. Perhaps she was thinking that the lad deserved this awkwardness, in order to see the consequences of lies?

“Really, Uncle Duncan,” the lad called over his shoulder, “I’m no’ particularly proficient…”

Ian shook his head. “No false modesty, lad! Let’s hear it.”

Bull’s back was to the room, but Griffin saw him take a deep breath and place his hands over the keys. Then he took another deep breath and lowered them…

Griffin was already wincing, expecting a cacophony.

Instead…completely tolerable music flowed from the piano. Actual music, not just banging about on the keys. Griffin’s brows rose and he leaned closer to Felicity.

“I underestimated the lad,” he murmured.

“Yes, I know.” She shot him a small smile to show she wasn’t bothered by his admission. “He is no maestro, but he is quite competent. Those long fingers of his needed to be put to good use occasionally—other than pickpocketing, I mean—and I am grateful he was given the chance.”

She said that like she wasn’t the one to give him that chance.

When Bull finished the piece, he popped up from the bench as if determined not to have to play again. When the applause began, his apprehensive look melted into his usual confidence, and he offered a few flamboyant bows.

Sighing with satisfaction, Duncan sat back in his chair. “My dears, this has been delightful! I have another appointment—a duke’s days are rarely his own, ye ken—and to my chagrin, already have a dinner engagement for this evening. But I look forward to meeting with you all again. Tomorrow morning, perhaps? And I promise to dine with you each evening you are here at Peasgoode!”

He sounded so hopeful, how could they deny him? Felicity smiled. “Of course, Duncan. We would like that as well.”

“Until tomorrow, then,” the older man declared cheerfully, as Ian rolled him toward the corridor.

As the door closed behind him, Griffin’s family collapsed with grateful sighs.

“I like him!” declared Marcia, beaming around.

“Yes, dear sister,” Rupert said somberly, “but if we want Father to win, we need Uncle Duncan to like us too.”

“Well, I think he does!” She folded her arms in satisfaction. “We’ve fooled him!”

Over her head, Bull and Griffin exchanged a solemn glance. Fooling the Duke of Peasgoode no longer mattered quite as much.

Aye, they needed him to believe the Calderbanks were a happy family, to keep them in the Highlands longer.

But their priorities had changed, and that meant the investigation needed to take priority. More important than charming the Duke, more important than spending time with his family. More important, even, than the woman who was snuggled up against him.

He had a full day and night to find out more about their host, and that meant needing a clear head. He would have to avoid Felicity.

Chapter 14

Felicity knew the Duke of Peasgoode was their enemy. Either he, or his secretary-cum-lover, had been in contact with Blackrose in Canada.

So why was he so wonderfully loveable?

He was the father she’d always wished for, the cheerful uncle she’d never had. The way he and Ian shared glances and grins made her wince at her parents’ loveless marriage, and he made her laugh.

She wanted to hug him. Instead she was going to betray him.

It was their second morning at Peasgoode, and at that moment, the Duke was telling the children a story about his favorite picnicking spot. Theoretically, he was telling them all, but Felicity was distracted by her whirling thoughts.