He merely shook his head in response. “No’ certain that’s flattering, sweetheart.”
Which of course caused her to laugh harder, although she couldn’t pinpoint why.
Blowing out a breath—did he sound resigned, or irritated?—Griffin wrapped one arm around her and rolled to one side, taking her with him.
Between one moment and the next, she’d gone from a strange, desperate sort of hysteria, to being calm and comforted in the circle of his arms.
As her heartbeat slowed, and her breathing evened out to match his, she realized her cheek was pressed against his chest. She could hear his heart beating, loud and strong. It was soothing, in a strange way, like a clock ticking the seconds past.
Those seconds stretched into minutes, and then longer. She felt him soften, and the part which had joined them grew sticky. But still he held her, and she felt…safe. Safe and cherished, almost.
After a long while, she felt brave enough to whisper his name, since she wasn’t looking at him.
He, of course, grunted in response.
She licked her lips, then tried again. “Griffin?”
Her head was tucked beneath his chin, so she felt as much as heard when he muttered, “What?”
She had to smile. “Thank you.”
Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for showing me that wonder.
But she didn’t say either thing, and just had to hope he understood.
Perhaps he did, because he grunted again, and his hold on her tightened for a moment.
On the other hand, she’d noticed his grunt could mean anything from I am displeased to I have no opinion to How did Bull get my wallet? so it really wasn’t saying much.
But she wanted to assume it meant he was pleased.
Felicity exhaled and snuggled closer, feeling the exhaustion returning. For a while, sheer wonder had kept it at bay, but it had been a long day and no matter how busy her mind was, her body desperately needed sleep.
But her eyes popped open when she felt him tense, the moment before a knock came at the door.
“Flick?” her son called from the other side of the portal, laughter in his tone. “Are ye well? I thought I heard ye scream.”
“I’m going to kill him,” muttered Griffin, as he tossed a blanket over her body and rolled away.
And for a moment, Felicity agreed. Bull’s tone suggested he could guess why his mother had screamed, and was teasing her. Perhaps the lad would have benefited from a discussion on privacy and why it was vital to never discuss one’s own sex life with one’s children.
“I am fine,” she called out, as Griffin struggled into his trousers, anger obvious in each motion. “Truly. Why are you not asleep?”
Bull didn’t have a chance to answer before Griffin yanked the door open with a growl. Felicity gasped and yanked the blankets up higher, but Bull’s attention was on Griffin. His smile faded to a worried look.
“Why are ye poking about? Ye should be locked in yer room!”
Her son’s expression turned mulish. “I thought it would be helpful to get the lay of the land. Ye ken, investigate where Peasgoode’s study is, that sort of thing.”
“And no doubt steal a few baubles?” Griffin’s frustration was obvious as he turned away, dragging his hand through his hair.
As he reached for his shirt, Bull turned an imploring look on Felicity, but she shook her head. “You should not have courted danger, Bull,” she admonished quietly, hoping the dim lighting hid her blush.
Griffin finished yanking on his shirt. “Come on, laddie. I’m walking ye back to yer room.”
“Och, aye?” Her son’s chin jerked up defiantly. “And when I’m locked in safely, ye’ll come back here and tup my mother again?”