And how much he looked forward to helping them grow further.

And then he wasn’t thinking much at all, because Felicity was there.

She was beautiful.

Her hair flowed freely down her back, just the way he adored, and she wore a lovely green gown he knew Bull had been working on for weeks.

She could’ve worn a sackcloth and Griffin still would’ve thought her beautiful.

He was halfway across the room before he realized he’d moved.

Duncan was at her side, having insisted on escorting her. They walked slowly, each step deliberate, and when they stopped, Griffin was there to take her hand.

So, too, was a footman with the Duke’s wheeled chair. “Ah,” Duncan sighed gratefully as he stepped back to sit in it, carefully arranging himself. “Didnae expect that wee walk to take so much out of me. Griffin, ye’re looking far too handsome in our colors, lad. Thank ye for wearing them today.”

Before Griffin could do anything more than nod stiffly, not certain he could speak past the lump of emotion in his throat, Duncan lifted Felicity’s hand to his lips. “Thank ye for indulging an auld man, lassie. I’ve always dreamed of walking my daughter—or granddaughter, I suppose—down the aisle.”

Felicity bent over and placed a kiss on the Duke—the ex-Duke’s—cheek. “I was honored by your offer, Duncan. Cousin.”

Beaming, Duncan twisted in his chair to look at Ian. “Before we get started, I hope ye’ll allow one more indulgence? Ian and I have something for the bairns.”

Curious, Griffin exchanged glances with Felicity, who was now tucked up against him. When he realized she didn’t understand any better than he, he shrugged.

At Duncan’s signal, Ian tried to bend sideways to pick something off the floor. His nephew understood, and gently pressed against his uninjured shoulder, holding him in place. The giant then stooped and lifted a gaily wrapped box, placing it on Ian’s lap before stepping up behind his uncle’s chair to wheel him silently toward the group.

“Thank ye, laddie,” Duncan acknowledged when Ian and his burden reached their little group. The silent Duke of Effinghell merely nodded.

“Gather round, children,” called Duncan as he shifted the box to his lap. “We kenned this would be a special day for all of ye, but perhaps this is a way to make it even more special, aye?”

Griffin glanced around to realize everyone in the parlor—even the priest—was clustered around them. Rupert and Marcia pushed their way to Duncan’s side, and Bull was right behind them.

When Marcia lifted the lid from the box, all three of them—nay, most of those gathered!—gasped in surprise. A wee black nose, followed by a pair of floppy ears, poked its way out. With a happy squeal, Marcia lifted out the cutest little puppy Griffin had ever seen.

Even Felicity, a self-avowed cat lover, awwwwed.

Duncan cleared his throat as he reached for Ian’s hand. “We thought—I ken nothing could replace Snorky…”

All three children glanced at one another, then crossed themselves. “Requiescat in pace, Snorky,” they intoned in unison.

Then the new puppy licked Marcia’s cheek, and she dissolved into giggles, as her brothers tried to pet it and convince her to allow someone else to hold it.

Griffin turned to Felicity and settled his hands on her hips. “Are ye ready for a puppy, my love?”

She was gazing up at him, her smile a little bemused. “I have never seen you so happy, Griffin.”

“Och,” he murmured, as the priest stepped up beside them and made a vague sign of blessing over the haphazard crowd. “I’m about to become even happier.”

When he kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his neck like she never wanted to let go, and their family cheered.

* * *

This was their chamber.

There might be one day when they’d move into the master’s chamber—the one Griffin had told Felicity he’d searched after their first week of residence here at Peasgoode—but for now, the two of them were perfectly content in this room, with its huge bed and warm fire and huge bed.

The bed was rather the focus of her attention right now.

Felicity had dismissed Made as soon as she’d hung up the lovely green wedding gown, and now was so desperate to remove her corset that her fingers shook.