“It’ll be like camping out—or we can play spies!”

At the word spies, Demon saw Rourke and Thorne stiffen, and suspected he himself had as well. Sophia winced, then shrugged.

“We’re trying to talk Hunter into another career path.”

“Aye?” drawled Thorne. “Like what?”

“Literally anything else,” Rourke muttered. “But I agree the children can sleep here, if there’s nae other warmed rooms. Bull?”

The young man glanced about and shrugged. “I’ll be fine here. That sofa looks sturdy.”

Georgia was blushing. Demon felt his lips curl at the memory of a not-so-sturdy settee.

Still, he kept his voice low when he asked, “With Rourke and Sophia in yer chambers, Georgia, where will ye be?”

She held his gaze, cheeks pinking. “I thought I might move in with you.”

The thought of her being in his chamber should’ve made him itchy. But she’d seen his bathing room, his chamber, and the memories were fond ones. How could he forget the feeling of completion he’d received from holding her, that day she’d napped in his arms after he’d brought her chocolate?

He’d been…content. Holding her as she’d slept had made him feel warm. Warm and…happy? Just the thought of doing it again—making love to her tonight, then falling asleep with her in his arms—was filling him with that damned happy feeling.

Christ! Ye dumb idiot, stop getting used to this! She’ll be leaving in a week and a half!

But…would she? Her father washed his hands of her. Did that mean she couldn’t go back to him?

Now Bonkinbone has made it clear he willnae deal with ye, why does Georgia’s bargain matter? Ye could tell her the truth, ask her to stay longer.

The thought made his stomach clench. Not at the thought of her staying past Hogmanay, but at the thought of telling her about her father’s letter. What kind of heartless bastard approved of his daughter whoring for his benefit?

Demon didn’t want to break her heart.

It would be better not to allow this—this…this between them to go any further. Better not to allow himself to imagine what it might be to fall asleep each night holding her.

But bumbleshite! He was selfish enough not to pass up this opportunity!

So his nod was curt. “Aye, then. They can stay.”

But only because it meant she’d be with him.

Chapter 16

There was something so delicious about being ensconced in a large bed with cozy blankets, the embers in the hearth still warming the room, and snow falling outside. Demon’s clothes were strewn about the floor in a way which had made her tease him last night, and he’d grudgingly let her pick up after him. Now, the memory made Georgia smile as she lay on her side, her hands pillowed beneath her cheek, lazily watching the sliver of the window not covered by the curtains.

The snow hadn’t stopped all day yesterday, and clearly was still going strong. It was a good thing she’d convinced Demon to allow his friends to stay. Besides, it meant the blankets and the embers weren’t the sole reasons for her warmth.

The large hand draped across her waist, and the solid mass at her back, helped.

Her lips twitched as she felt his erection twitch against her backside.

“Good morning,” she whispered.

“Och, ye’re awake?” His hand moved from her stomach, up to cup her breast. “I didnae want to wake ye.”

Her breath hitched as he rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “I—I have been awake—oh.”

He’d nipped at her shoulder and the sharp jolt of desire surprised her, especially this early in the morning.

Last night he’d pulled her atop him, the way she’d ridden him on the bearskin rug in the library, except this time he’d been nude as well. She’d been able—allowed—to touch him, to kiss him, to her heart’s desire.