His formal presentation as the Duke of Lickwick was anticlimactic.

Once, he hated the thought of everyone staring at him. But with Georgia at his side…

Demon raised his chin and glared right back. Besides, the announcement of their betrothal created far more of a shock, judging from the reaction of the gathered members of Society.

The gasps and whispers were drowned out by the sound of one set of hands enthusiastically clapping. Demon raised his brow at Thorne, who was applauding as if his life depended on it, a turd-eating grin on his face. Mother joined in.

Then Felicity stepped forward—bless her—and began to clap.

Then another woman, young and pretty, joined in. The man at her side quickly followed.

“That’s Danielle and her fiancé,” whispered Georgia at his side, practically glowing with happiness. “My sister—I did not know whether…if she would stand by me.”

Slowly, their well-wishers overwhelmed the whispers. While Demon appreciated the support, he decided he really did not give two fooks for Society’s opinion of him—of them. He knew he’d have to return to London if he wanted to hunt down Blackrose or make any difference in the House of Lords, but he could do that without winning popularity contests.

With Georgia at his side, hidden away in Endymion…he’d be content. They’d both be content.

“How’s that for revenge?”

At Georgia’s whisper, he glanced sidelong to see what she meant. Her expression was composed, but her eyes were twinkling. He followed her gaze to see her father looking murderous, completely alone in a gap in the crowd.

So Demon smiled. Smiled and inclined his head mockingly to the Earl of Bonkinbone.

Who, being ever a stickler for propriety, knew what was expected. His expression paled and he seemed to be swallowing bile as he forced himself to bow.

Demon burst into laughter.

He might not have Blackrose, but he’d most definitely won. “Shall we dance, love?” he asked, sweeping Georgia into his arms.

The dance wasn’t complicated and he managed to keep up the steps as he leaned close to whisper. “I’m the envy of every man here.”

“No, I am the envy of every woman.” Her smile was teasing. “I bought my way into marriage with a duke, using my body.”

“Yer body is my favorite commodity,” he growled.

Despite the music and the dancers swirling about them, he pulled her to a stop and brushed a kiss across her lips. Fook the whispers, fook propriety.

She was giggling when she leaned away and smacked his chest playfully, as if they were the only ones in the room. “Well, I have decided that my father’s opinion, and that of Society, really does not matter to me. Your opinion does.”

“And I love ye.” Taking her hand in his once more, Demon spun her about, effortlessly inserting them into the dance again. “I’ll love ye forever.”

Her expression eased into a soft smile. “And together, we will help bring Uncle William to justice.”

He missed a step in his surprise. “Will we?”

Georgia’s grin should have warned him about the cannonball she was about to drop on him.

“Oh yes,” she said blithely, her smile stretching from ear to ear. “You see…I know where William Blackrose has been hiding. You never asked me, but I happen to have his address.”

All in all, the pile-up he caused when he dragged them to a stop in shock was completely worth it.


Well, this was a fine view.

Demon’s heart felt light as he braced one fist against his thigh and grinned at his wife’s garden. Or more specifically, his wife’s arse. Beneath him, his horse tried to side-step, but a murmured word calmed her.

The sun was bright, the spring air was crisp with the sounds of birdsong and the fragrances of spring, and the garden…