Including two from mine, which made me furious. While I couldn’t confirm the two trusted men were working in any capacity with the Death Squad, keeping them on as employees wasn’t a risk I was willing to take.
I heard a noise and turned to face the dock. Eleven men were walking toward the yacht. I’d been told this was the first time in their history every single member of the Brotherhood had been in the same location at the same time. While usually it was because of their respective business operations getting in the way, in recent years, it had been to ensure all of them didn’t perish at the same time.
That made this meeting that much riskier.
However, they’d all arrived clandestinely with their soldiers and a few with the women who’d agreed to help Kenya plan the wedding, which was only a week away. We couldn’t afford to wait much longer, or decisions could be taken out of our hands.
In the meantime, we were planning, adding confirmed names to the lists after conferring with our various confidants and trusted members of law enforcement. And we were prepared to unleash our own method of destruction.
Put a bunch of savage men on the same boat together and patience wasn’t necessarily our virtue.
Constantine was first to approach, saluting as if I was the pseudo captain for our event. We weren’t heading out to sea namely because it was too risky but this was a perfect location to meet. While he had the same twinkle in his eye as he’d had during our first meeting, I sensed his exhaustion. I had a feeling we all felt that way.
“Good to see you again,” I said. “Make yourself at home.”
“You’re sure about that?” he asked in return, laughing as he did.
“Yeah, I am. This time.”
He shook my hand, offering me a nod of respect. While I’d arranged to have men on boats patrolling the Atlantic, I knew every single man had two or more of their soldiers waiting in the parking lot or meandering around the various docks and even the wharf’s restaurant. If anyone decided to start a war on my turf, they would be in for a shock.
One by one the other members of the Brotherhood came on board including the other three I’d met before. The ones I hadn’t introduced themselves.
“Dante Santos and this is my brother, Diego. We’re from LA.”
“Twins. Your reputation in the movie and luxury jewel industry precedes you.”
“We’re honored,” Diego said just before they moved further onto the yacht.
“Mr. Kennedy, Brogan Callahan,” the latest arrival said in his Irish brogue. “While I call Chicago my home, I prefer the mountains of Colorado.”
“Excellent choice.” I already like the guy.
“Phoenix Diamondis and the suave man over there is my brother, Stavros.”
I studied both Greek men. I’d been told that no matter what the outcome of our plan, Stavros had already hired assassins to augment the powerful hold we had. They were also highly trained and very intelligent men and women who’d been members of various military platforms as well as mercenaries and former law enforcement. While I hadn’t been told the numbers, I heard they’d already been scattered to various parts of the world lying in wait for the order to take out the most powerful assassins within the Death Squad.
It was deathly important their names and locations be kept private. That I understood.
“Glad to see you both. How good are your men and women, Stavros?”
“The best. It’s been a joy and a pleasure to work with them, even if we need more if we want to accomplish our task.”
“Think of it this way,” Gabriel interjected. “With what we have planned, those members who aren’t killed, rounded up and tossed into prison, or are at minimum forced into hiding won’t rear their ugly heads for some time. But we’ll be ready when they do.”
The fact this could go on for decades was disturbing but to be expected from an extremist organization determined to take over the world.
“Move out of the way,” another member said, obviously teasing. It was apparent the men were close. It would seem the rules weren’t necessary. “Daniel Thorn at your service.”
“Constantine’s brother.”
“The very one. The talented one of the family.” Daniel grinned.
Constantine snorted. He’d already found the bar, now holding a glass in his hand. “He’s the funny one of the family.”