“I’ll keep that in mind but not my uncle,” I said. “He’s nearing seventy. One of his sons is pliable. David is a hungry young man perfect to be molded.”
“Make note of that,” Constantine said to none of them in particular.
“Now, why don’t you tell me the other reason you’re here, gentlemen.” I felt I needed to be direct at this point.
“I’ll get straight to the point. The reason we are here is simple. We’d like you to join the Brotherhood immediately. We prefer having the strongest alliance possible, especially since it would seem we are headed into the kind of war this world has never experienced before and has limited ways of fighting. Your added support will ensure credibility amongst those we’ll provide the information to us as well as add manpower for various areas of the country. And admittedly, we’d like to use Rye, New Hampshire as the Brotherhood’s corporate headquarters. With its location, including easy access to the Atlantic Ocean, we’ll have a prime position that we can protect and control. That doesn’t mean we’ll put all our resources here. We also believe you have a couple people in your employ with tighter connections to the dark web.”
“Yes, I do,” I said, curious how the fuck they’d learned that. I had a feeling it was just highlighting how powerful they’d become as an entity. “Let me venture a guess about using Rye. Just enough of a viable location that if they come knocking, they’ll get a rude awakening but not so they can destroy the plan already in motion.”
He nodded slowly, likely anticipating I’ll tell them to get the fuck out. Maybe I should but I had a feeling what they were suggesting was a decent course of action, if not the only one. “Yes. We need every advantage.”
“Okay, then I’d like to see the various lists.”
“When you agree to become a Brotherhood member, then of course. You and your limited team will have access to everything we have. In turn, we’d like the same. We do understand you’ll need to time to think about the offer.”
“I don’t need time,” I said, almost interrupting.
Constantine seemed concerned.
“Yes, I’ll join the Brotherhood. Yes, you can commandeer various properties owned by my family, including the Star Island family retreat and conference center. I also own a yacht where we could hold meetings if you feel that necessary. But I want full access as you just agreed to. And I want these fuckers on a silver platter.”
Constantine nodded to Gabriel, who pulled a jump drive from his pocket. “Welcome to the Brotherhood. We’re glad to have you on board. This will get you started. As you might imagine, there are rules and some protocol. Including sharing a drink together. Do you mind if I refresh?”
“Rules. I’m curious what they are.” I took the opportunity to refill my glass, backing away so the others could as well.
“Gabriel. Do you want to do the honors?” Constantine asked.
Gabriel shook his head, obviously not amused. “Simple. We’re kings of our territory. You don’t shit where you eat. Got it?”
Maxim cursed in Russian. “You assholes made me recite the fucking shit. This dude needs to as well.”
Constantine motioned for him to do the honors.
The terse Russian was none too pleased. “Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood. And don’t shit where you eat.”
I laughed. “I think I can handle the rules.” Why did I have a feeling my father knew this was coming or had facilitated the meeting? I pocketed the jump drive, eager to see what was on it as the others refilled their drinks.
“To the Brotherhood and our newest member,” Constantine stated, lifting his glass first.
“To the continuation of mankind as we know it,” Kraven added.
“To some fucking peace for a change,” Maxim huffed.
“What’s our newest member toasting to?” Gabriel asked.
“To continued challenges. I’m curious. Do any of you have what you consider a weakness, someone special these bastards could use against you?”
When the four of them looked from one to the other, I knew the answer.
“You must continue living your life, Beckham. We all learned that the hard way. If you found someone special, do not let a day pass you by. I can guarantee you you’ll regret it.”
I knew which one was stronger, just like I knew the upcoming challenge would be life altering.