Constantine continued to shake his head, looking at every man in the group. “This is the single point that will bring these people down. We need to work carefully. If any of them find out what we’ve learned, they will shut the entire operation down and go into hiding until they believe we’re not looking any longer.”
“Agreed,” Dante said. “Are we set to expose them via the world’s satellites?”
Stavros grinned. “Yeah. We’re ready. It’s all a matter of coordination.”
This felt like he had the future and welfare of the entire world in our hands, as if we were the kings of the universe.
While I wasn’t a man full of humility or decency, I also wasn’t interested in ruling the world. Just my small part of it. Plus, I found myself mesmerized by the thought of having a family. Maybe given the obvious danger, I had a feeling I’d been forced to realize what was really most important.
I only hoped it wasn’t too little too late.
I flashed up the photographs of my uncle and cousin along with Kenya’s father and brother.
“Memorize these faces. They could be anywhere at any time since they’re off the grid.” They were watching me intently, all of them nodding. I had such a hatred for all four men I knew I could easily kill them.
And I would, given the chance.
In the next two plus hours, we went over every planned detail, every name that should be considered the most dangerous. Plus, through the use of satellites, the largest clusters of assassins had been pinned down. They were being monitored for activity at this point but that too would change.
Yeah, this did feel more like war.
“We have a tradition when bringing in a new member of our Brotherhood, an alliance brought together by blood, violence, skill, and intelligence,” Constantine said. While he had a big personality, I had a feeling he was interested in having everyone reaffirm their conviction to the Brotherhood.
If there was a time to reflect on the past and reasons for the alliance, I suppose facing the Death Squad was certainly reasonable.
“First, to our newest member, someone I’ve already grown to respect for his diligence in discovery, his enthusiasm for danger, and his ability to remain open minded. That is often rare in our world of thugs and thieves. To Beckham Kennedy. May he always find satisfaction in his work and keep love in his heart. Family is more important than anything else.”
Every man lifted their glass in reverence, and it felt odd to be honored in such a way. “Thank you for the invitation.”
It was a quiet moment, a time to think about what was most important. To think we should be rivals, which is what our fathers often had been. Instead, we’d combined our resources to create something special.
Maybe I was finally old enough to appreciate different aspects of life. My thoughts drifted briefly to the woman I was about to marry, once again reminded that behind every good man was a better woman.
Kenya had been driven into my life for a reason and not the one I’d originally thought. She’d set me straight on my priorities, just like my mother had with Pops.
As Constantine pulled out a knife, using a lighter to heat the edge, I almost laughed. An old-fashioned blood ceremony. It was an honor to be the newest member.
I offered my hand when the leader of our notorious group nodded, still hoping we knew what the fuck we were doing. He sliced the heated blade across my palm with precision, allowing a line of blood to appear. I squeezed my hand, savoring the sticky feel as the light coppery stench floated into my nostrils.
“Beckham Kennedy, you are now a member of the Brotherhood. Will you honor our codes and our rules until death?”
Constantine studied me as intently as I had with him the first time we’d met. “Yes, I will. To my death.”
“Here’s to the strength, the ties, the alliance, and the strength of the Brotherhood.” As strings of crimson trickled, I continued to hope we were on the right track.
And that the Brotherhood would still be standing when our strategic weapons were released.
“Ilost my way all the way to you and in you I found my way.”
One week later