“That’s just it. They only had a few bullets left in every weapon and no extras.” Jeff was keeping his voice low.
I yanked the weapon from her hand, tugging out the magazine. “Shit. This was nothing but another game being played.”
“This one too,” she offered.
The moment I moved closer to her, she backed away. When I attempted to cup her face, she jerked her head away much like she’d done the night before. “There’s been a change in plans, sweetheart.”
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning we’re taking your car.”
“No, you’re not.”
I half laughed because she wasn’t going to like what I was about to tell her next any better, but at this point, I had no choice. She was more than just a bed and breakfast owner or a stockbroker. Not only was her life in clear danger given the fuckers had found us, but I had a feeling the woman knew a hell of a lot more about the scenario than she was willing to tell me. “Yes, my sweet, we are. In addition, you’re coming with me.”
Soon, it would be time for an interrogation.
One I doubted she would like.
I’d had extensive training by two sources, which allowed me the ability to react, not think. What I’d forgotten about was the recoil, and not from firing a weapon but from the aftereffects of killing someone. It had been a necessary evil in my former life, but I thought in my heart I’d never need to experience the guilt, the blackening remorse ever again.
Now, as I stood staring at the man behind the reason fading into my past had been necessary, I had a hard time breathing. Beckham slowly removed the second weapon I’d grabbed, giving me a nod after doing so.
I wasn’t certain how to react after his proclamation I was going with him. I lifted my head, staring into his eyes.
“I can’t. I have a bridal party coming in on Tuesday.”
Beckham snorted. “Well, you’re going to need to cancel them. Tell them the place suffered a fire.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Don’t fight me, Kenya. Get a few things together and the keys you took a few minutes ago. We need to get the fuck out of here,” he said in a low, husky voice. “You’ve just witnessed firsthand how dangerous these men are.”
“Yeah, I get it but they want you. I can’t leave. I won’t. Fighting wars isn’t my life.” I managed to back away by a few feet but almost tripped over one of the dead bodies. It was all too surreal, the echoes of the shots still pinging in my ears.
He was right there grabbing my arm, jerking me closer. “Take a look around you, Kenya. This is just another attack. I assure you there will be more. The location of where they discovered us has been sent to whoever is behind this. Do you really think they’ll allow any loose ends, especially after going to this much trouble to play this twisted fucking game?”
“You’re hurting me,” I said, which was ridiculous. I was shaking at this point, the rush of adrenaline I’d felt when the asshole had attacked me in the bathroom starting to fade. There were dead men littering my beautiful bed and breakfast. “What is happening? You still have no idea?”
I watched as he shoved the weapons into his pockets. “We’re under attack. That’s all that matters right now. Get some things together.”
He nodded toward the stairs and I wasn’t certain I had any other choice. I’d been smart enough to grab my purse and the keys, hiding both in my closet earlier. I’d been afraid he’d want my car, the single real gift I’d given myself after all the money I’d made. I also had my phone inside. I moved up the stairs, fighting the horrible fear crawling through me.
As soon as I walked into the bedroom, I was forced to stare into the vacant eyes of the man who’d tried to kill me. I’d seen countless dead bodies but most in protecting freedom.
But not all.
I couldn’t do this again. I couldn’t be forced to face a dangerous life. How long was the bastard planning on keeping me? I wasn’t for sale. I wasn’t a woman who could be…
The second dead man wore the same branding. What I found odd was that I had seen it before but had no recollection of where. It must have been on the television or in the news but it was obvious learning its origin was vital to Beckham and his crew.
This was insane. Who lived like this?