Could I kill someone that is too good at their jobs and is in someone’s way? Could I kill some old person that’s enjoying living to a ripe old age? I don’t think I can. I might have gotten the taste for killing after Michael but not for killing the innocent. It rubs me the wrong way.
Sighing, I hold his hand tightly. “No, I can’t. I know it’s what you do, and I won’t try to make you stop, but I can’t. I’m sorry.”
Leo smiles as he keeps his eyes trained on the road. “I’m not. I like you being innocent.”
I bark a laugh. “I just killed a man, Leo. I don’t think I am anymore.”
“You are. According to the rules of general society, he deserved it, so you were simply taking out the trash. There are plenty of cases where someone wants someone that hurt them or who hurt someone they love dead. You asked me before if I would kill only the guilty if you asked. If you’re asking, I can.”
I don’t know why a giddy feeling flows through me as I nod. “Fuck yeah. I’d love that.”
Leo doesn’t say anything, just reaches for the dash and scrolls through his listed numbers. When he finds June’s, he presses the call button. The ringing of the phone sounds, and is answered a few seconds later. “Hey, Leo. How did everything go?”
“Good. It’s done. Listen, I need you to do me a favor.”
“What’s up?”
“Ty wants to join me in my work going forward. But only the trash that needs to be taken out, understand?”
June pauses for a moment, then says, “Got it. What do you need me to do?”
“Send me over about five names to my second email so Ty and I can take a look. He wants to choose.”
“A man after my own heart,” June says, chuckling. “I’ll check through your site and send them over. When will you be back?”
“On the way now, but we’ll still be out of range. I’ll be back at the condo in a few days. You need me to come in for work?”
He chuckles. “Not you. Ty. His cookies, cupcakes, and Danishes sold like fucking hotcakes. People are asking for more. I’m sure there will be a riot if we don’t keep them in stock.”
My chest feels light as I smile wide enough to hurt my cheeks. “Thank you, June,” I say, squeezing Leo’s hand tight.
“You’re welcome. Now hurry back so someone doesn’t burn our coffee shop down to get to your baking.”
He hangs up, leaving me feeling all kinds of happy with myself. “That’s a relief. I was worried people would hate them.”
“Not likely,” Leo mutters. “Everything you baked for me tastes fucking delicious. If you want, I can help you make more. I had fun the last time.”
“That would be great.”
Just then, Leo’s phone beeps, and he scoops it up, clicking a few buttons as he keeps his eyes on the road. “Here.” He places his phone in my hand, an image on the screen. “There are a few people that June found that requested my services and they’re not innocent. Pick from those. When you find someone, I’ll accept the contract. We can make plans for how you want to kill them, and we can take care of it.”
As I’m looking through the images, I read the emails from the people who sent them, finding out what crimes they’re accused of. “And these are legit? Not a person just wanting someone to die and making shit up?”
“June vets them. If he and Blu join me for a case, he wants to be sure it’s someone that needs to die.”
“Okay.” I read through every email carefully, my chest thudding because I want to fucking kill them all. If I have my way, I’ll help Leo make short work of this list.
When I get to the last person, I know I’ve found the one I want to kill. The others on the list are gross, but this one is fucking despicable.
From the email and the police reports attached, he was a camp counselor that trafficked underaged kids to his shitty friends. Fifteen kids. They came forward, and charges are pending, but by the time they get around to sifting through the evidence, some of these kids may end up like Juliette.
Teeth clenched, I say, “Him. Ian McCaffy. Fucking sex trafficker.” A noise of disgust drifts from my lips, and I toss his phone onto the dash, crossing my arms over my chest. “I want him to die now.”
“Easy, killer,” Leo mutters with humor. I can’t help but crack a small smile. “We have to make plans. But it’ll happen. I promise. When we get back to my house in the woods, I’ll track down all the information on him that I need. Good thing is he’s local, so it won’t take long to get started. There are several abandoned buildings I use that will make things a lot easier. We’ll bake, and we’ll plan. How does that sound?”
It sounds really fucking good. When there’s a lot on my mind, I like to bake. The rhythm, the smells, the repetition, it all grounds me. Baking helps me think about shit that makes little sense unless my hands are busy measuring, mixing, and scooping.
“Why are you so perfect?” I mutter, my heart thumping as those three little words dance on my tongue.