I chuckle along with him. That’s definitely not my type. “I’m happy with Leo, so tell Beth I said thanks but no thanks.”
We chat for a few more minutes, then hang up. Then I steel myself and return the other missed call.
His deep voice washes over me, and I close my eyes, missing hearing it every day. “Hey Ty.”
“Hey, Dad. How are you?”
I don’t hate my dad. I’m just upset that he moved on so quickly. It’s not fair of me to put what I think is an accurate time to grieve on him, but I can’t help it. He said my mother was the love of his life, but six months later, he’s seeing someone else. It’s hard for me to reconcile that he’s not missing my mother.
It isn’t fair because his girlfriend, Cynthia, is a nice lady. But she’s not my mother.
Every time I think like this, I get pissed at myself. My father deserves to be happy. Hopefully, I can work out how I feel and become close to my dad like I used to be.
“Good, son. Real good. I was calling to see if you were going to visit soon. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen you in person.”
The last time I went to visit, I left early when I saw how Cynthia and my dad were with each other. It reminded me of times he was with my mother, and I couldn’t take it. It wouldn’t have been right to ask Cynthia to leave, so I did, driving the two hours back home after only being at my old house for an hour.
“I have plans with …” I look at Leo, who seems to not be paying attention to what I’m saying, but I know he can hear. We’re in an enclosed space for fuck’s sake. “I have plans for the next week or so. Then, yeah. I can visit.”
My chest burns at his excitement. I want to be a better son for him. I promise I’ll work on it.
“I’ll call you when I’m back in town, Dad. I love you.”
“Love you too, son.”
I hang up and blow out a long breath, my chest still tight. I wish this rift between us didn’t exist—a rift I caused. Hopefully soon it’ll be better. My dad doesn’t deserve to be alone. He deserves the happiness Cynthia gives him. If my mother had a say, she’d want him to move on with his life. It’s the type of person she was. I have to do the same.
Leo squeezes my hand. “You okay?”
Sighing, I say, “Yeah. It’s just hard to talk to my father. It’s like my brain knows he didn’t do anything wrong, but my heart is taking a while to catch up.”
“I don’t understand what it means to love my parents, so I can’t give you any advice there. If you ever want to discuss your feelings, call June. He’s a regular guy, like you.”
That makes me chuckle. Looking at Leo, you wouldn’t think he was a psychopath. He looks like a happy-go-lucky guy that loves to smile. He must have worked hard to make his emotions come across as genuine, since he told me he doesn’t have any. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“And Blu is a psychiatrist. If you need to talk about shit like that, you can book an appointment.”
I almost swallow my tongue. “Your cousin that’s also a serial killer is a psychiatrist?”
“Yep. He’s a pretty good one, from what I hear.”
“Thanks, but I’ll be fine,” I tell Leo. “It means a lot that you would try to help though.”
It does. Even though he says he doesn’t care about things or can’t feel, he’s trying to help me untangle my feelings.
The rest of the ride is spent in silence, my head still hurting a little. Leo told me it’s from the tranquilizer he gave me. We had a long conversation about that after I got out of the shower.
When we pull up to my apartment, I invite him up so he can help me pack some clothes and we can talk more. As I’m tossing some pajamas in a bag, Leo, who’s leaning back on my bed watching me, asks, “Why were you out last night? I meant to ask earlier, but you went down on me, and all thoughts left my mind.”
Shooting him a grin, I ask, “Was it that good?”
“Better than I can describe. I’ve never been sucked off like that.”
My chest swells with pride. I’m glad he enjoyed himself. I enjoyed giving him head too, his cock hard and thick in my mouth. I can’t wait to do it again.
“Answer my question,” he says before I can get sidetracked.