Page 61 of Leo, My Partner

A trapped breath leaves my lungs at June’s explanation. He’s right. I know he is, but it still hurts to let that image go. I’m so used to my parents being together that it’s hard to see him with someone else.

“It’s tough,” I whisper, wiping the lone tear from my eye. “I miss her, and I expect him to miss her too.”

Climbing off the stool, June comes over to me, giving me a one-armed hug. “Just because he moved on doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss her, Ty. Talk to him. Get his side of things and don’t hurt your own feelings making up a scenario in your head. He’s your father, and if you were close, he deserves the benefit of the doubt.”

I nod, knowing he’s right. I laugh briefly. “Had I asked Leo that, he wouldn’t have known what to say to help me.”

“Yeah, Blu is better at comforting me than he used to be, but he definitely would have been lost with that. Or he would have psychoanalyzed me. He’s good at that.”

“Thank you, June. I needed this talk.”

“You’re welcome. I want us to be friends. I’ll always be here when you need an ear. A bit of advice if I may?” His voice goes up at the end, as if posing it as a question. I nod, giving him my attention. “Hear your father out. Try to wipe the thoughts you conjured up in your head and let him tell you what’s going on. Your relationship will be better for it.”

Those words swirl in my head as I drive myself and Leo to my childhood home. Leo has his fingers threaded through mine, and I have his hand in a death grip. He keeps giving me looks, but I always shoot him a shaky smile. I know he wants to help, but right now, I need to focus on what June told me. I think that’s the only way I’ll be able to continue this drive and not get off on the next exit to head for our condo.

I pull into my old neighborhood, and a smile breaks across his face. It’s been a while since I’ve been here, but I have so many memories.

Pointing out of the window, I tell Leo, “See that small cove right there?”


“That’s where I had my first kiss. I was in the ninth grade. Upperclassman named Morgan.”

Leo growls. “Fuck Morgan.”

I laugh, squeezing his hand again. “I didn’t, if you were worried about that. It was just a kiss. He wanted to practice, and I had no experience, so I was all for it. He was a nice guy. We lost touch over the years. Last I heard, he was living abroad with his partner and their kids.”

He grunts, and I laugh. I’m glad I brought Leo along. I think I’ll need him near after a conversation with my father.

My dad is waiting outside when I pull in to the driveway. He’s beaming as I put the car in park, and I can’t help returning the smile. Regardless of how his moving on made me feel, I missed my dad.

I run into his arms, giving him a big hug. He pats me on the back, rocking me back and forth.

“Hey, son. So good to see you.” He lets me go, holding me at arm’s length. “You look great. Been in the gym?”

“You know it.” I work out, but I’m not as fit as my father. Even at fifty-seven, he’s still in excellent shape, hitting the weights multiple times a week.

My father, Jermaine, and I resemble each other, besides him having two golden brown eyes and he always has a beard. I keep my face clean-shaven—probably because I can’t grow a full beard. It comes in patchy. His dark brown skin matches mine and so do all of his other features. Well, besides the hair. I’ve been trying to get him to shave his head bald to get rid of that receding hairline, but he doesn’t listen. It makes me happy to see some things never change.

With one last hug, I turn to Leo, who’s standing by the car. “Dad, this is Leo, my boyfriend. Leo, this is my dad, Jermaine.”

Leo reaches his hand out, and my father takes it in a firm grasp. A smile graces Leo’s face, and if I didn’t know any better, I would think he was simply a polite man meeting the parents, not someone hiding their true nature to make a good impression. “Nice to meet you, sir. Tyshawn has told me a lot about you.”

My father’s eyes soften when they drift over to me. “Good things, I hope.”

“The best,” Leo assures and I blow out an imperceptible breath. I only told Leo the doubts I have about my father jumping into a quick relationship. His lie on my behalf makes my heart squeeze.

We head inside, and Dad walks us into the kitchen. “Want something to drink?” He opens the fridge and pokes his head inside. “I have beer, water, juice, and a few cokes.”

“Water for me, sir,” Leo says.

“I’ll take one as well.”

Dad pulls out two waters for us and a beer for himself and motions for us to follow him outside to the back deck. The grill is going, and he opens it, smoke fanning everywhere. He waves it away and flips burgers and hot dogs. “I figured you’d appreciate the grill master hooking you up rather than a kitchen-cooked meal.”

I throw my head back and laugh. Dad would tell me and Mom he was the grill master since he couldn’t bake as well as we did. After my conversation with June, that cloud of sadness doesn’t even mar my memories of my mom, and I’m thankful.

Leo gives me a long look, and I raise my eyebrows at him as if to say what? He tilts his head to the house.